Chapter 20

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James yawned. "Are you tired ?" I asked him. "Yes" he told me. I move myself away from him leaving him place to rest his head. "You could sleep here you know" I tell him. He pulls his chair closer to the bed and rests his head on my bed. And fell asleep. I was watching over him the whole time I couldn't help but see that cute face buried under his hand while he was sleeping. His black curly hair was the majority I could see. I was tempted to brush his hair but I withdrew myself. He hates to be touched I remind myself. Slowly my eyes grew tired and I fell asleep.

"Leah , Leah wake up" I woke up my vision was blurry. I sat down and my eyes browsed for James. I looked all over my eyes browsed the infermary. "Its literally six pm right now" Steve said. And my Mom was standing beside him nodding. "Steve uh" I yell. My face grew to a smile and I covered it. I couldn't help but rethink what happened over and over again. It was the best day of my life. All thanks to Patricia. "What's wrong lady" mom asked me. I looked away because my cheeks were too pink.

"No nothing mom" I hid it but her face grew suspicious. "Alright" she said.
"Oh by the way I spoke to the principal , " she sat next to me calmly.
"What did he say ?"
"Ah well , That girl , so much attitude she refused to apologize , She anyways ended up in detention" mom giggled. "She tried so hard , been so long seeing girls with so much attitude" she continued.  Her eyes switched to nightstand.
"What is this ?" she held a hair bow. And she read out a letter wrapped around it.
"To Leah , a gift from anonymous, what is this Leah ?" She gave me a Sharp look.
"she's been getting letter from some anonymous person" Steve said. "Petty girl issues you know" he shrugged.

I was expecting my mom to say something and advice me to stop reading the letters or enquire me more about it. But she ended up giggling. "Its a pretty gift though" she smiled holding the bow.
"Let's try it on once your head heals alright ?" She smiles.

I gave her a confused look. That is not my aesthetic at all. I never dressed feminine enough to wear that bow. Whoever this person is they have a very bad taste. I feel dizzy again. "I'm hungry" I tell them.
"Let's have dinner outside today ?" mom tells me. "Let's get going baby come on" she helps me get up. Steve waves at me. "Take care Leah" he tells me. I nodd as we leave and he smiles.

We Finally reached home with one large pizza , Garlic bread, latte and pasta. I don't understand why mom ordered so much food but I kind of wanted to have extra today anyways. We both sat down to watch movies together. I am so lucky to have her. Even though she is a fashion designer, she didnt really go to a job because dad used to provide more than enough for us. He's the CEO of worlds famous Fashion brand Flash.

Now that dad is gone. Mom is looking for work. "What happened did you get any job yet ?" I ask her.
"No baby" she frowns. "Actually, your dad had transfered a million dollars to my account"
"A million !!!" I squeak. "We could start our own business mom".
"I thought the same thing , I thought of creating a fashion label , but... I need models"
"Elisa , obviously she's slim , tall , beautiful " I tell her excitedly.
"Yes , of course" mom smiles. "Steve too" mom adds. "He's really Handsome right ?" She asks me. Even my mom ? Seriously ? . I roll my eyes.

"Mom , what do you think about Doctors" I ask her fixing James in my mind.
"I think they are , pretty workaholic with no romance , yet again that's my point of view I can say for certain" She tells me. "Why do you ask ?"
"no it's nothing" I tell her.
"Alright" she says elegantly biting her pizza slice.

"Mom , how do you deal with crushes at this age". I finally ask her.
"Okay so my little baby has a crush on someone" she giggles. "who's he" she asks me.
"No mom its just a casual question".
"I feel your not comfortable telling me but fine. The best option that I'd tell you to do is... Maybe bitter sweet but for your best , avoid relationships , try to suppress that feelings and focus on career okay ?"
"How do I suppress ? When I keep seeing him every day"
"Don't look at him , avoid him, cut his friendship if you have to but don't go after him".
"What made you think that I'd go after him?" I roll my eyes. "Thats my slice" I tell her as mom tried to take extra. My slices were untouched.  "Oh I'm sorry" she says opening up her pasta. "aren't you full already ?" I ask her.
"No to be honest I didnt eat from morning so ..."
"Mom don't ruin your health like that , what if something goes wrong I need you more than anybody in this world". I say , my voice was trembling. She's the person who I love the most in this whole world(second is Elissa and third is James ofcourse then maybe dad then steve) . If something goes wrong with her, then I won't be able to tolerate the overwhelming depression.

My mom squeezes my cheeks. "even if your crush likes you back , don't say okay. And you don't take efforts either , some people might love you for your money" She tells me. "Status also matters Leah , you can't live with a man who's not equal to u , after living in luxury all these years can you live  a normal lifestyle ?".

"Actually ya, I'm not really wanting this lifestyle to be honest , its true financial freedom is important , money enough to meet my daily needs is enough for me" I tell her.

"I didn't expect that from you Leah" she smiles. "Thats my daughter" she hugs me. "You will get a godly spouse , who will take Care of you". She says. Why is she so religious ugh. I just want a guy like James. I mean I just want James. He's one of a kind I'll never probably see in my life. I have the boldness confess but I don't want to confess just yet. I did choose not to confess to anyone ever again but here I am making up my mind to do it because I admire him so much.

The best time to tell it would be after this year gets over , after our semisters I'm hoping that things would change and we'd get closer by then.

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