Chapter 22

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"That's weird"
"I know it is" she rolls her eyes.
"It is our family secret and tradition not to tell anybody our wareabouts" she tells me. "To be honest I shouldn't even have mentioned I have a brother  but it was you ... So I got overjoyed" She squeaked.  Steve was looking at us back and forth like this never ends. When I look at myself in the mirror near the infermary bed I could only help but wonder how am I getting so much attention suddenly. I just noticed one thing that I did gain a little bit weight because I didn't go to the gym and I didn't push myself on a diet. Without all that exhaustion I looked so beautiful. Surprisingly being a little plumpy has enhanced my facial features. 

"You know that wiping with napkin ain't gonna make him stop bleeding right ?" Doina told me as I was walking back and forth anxiously biting my nail because I'll be missing another class. Another history class. I'll loose track of everything. "Are you listening" Doina asks politely. "Oh yes tell me" I tell her forcing myself to reality. "I used to have the same problem , I was so caught up with studies and stress that my nose would start bleeding, my mother would make me lie down on the sofa then keep ice on my nose, thats how bleeding settles" She tells me. I nodd again walking back and forth.
"What class are you in right now ?" I ask her.
"tenth grade" she tells me. I nodd. I can't believe I'm in twelfth right now feels so weird and yet real. Ill be going to college next year. Thats like the end of highschool. The nurse Tiffany comes rushing to us. "It's you again.." She tells looking at steve. "Why is that the loveliest students get injured so bad, what happened". I open my mouth and spilled every single detail about what happened. She smirked at me and starts dressing Steve's leg. Doina on the other side was paying attention aswell. "It is literally like watching a Netflix series in real life" she comments. "how's that your Still single she asks me". Because the guy I like , I'm not sure if he likes me back, my mind yells but I tell her "I'm just not interested in anybody" I tell her while Steve was making "auchh" noises in pain wile nurse Tiffany was dabbing antiseptic with cotton on his thigh.

"What is his name" she asks me. "Steve" I tell her and smile. "Like ... You guys are not dating right ? Like secret dating ?"
"If it were secret dating why would you even care to tell me right" she giggled and smirked.
"Thats the common mistake what people make when it comes to me and him, we don't have feelings for each other" I stress out.
"Okay chill" she giggles.
"Like this is not my first time"
"she actually has a crush on some other dude, Awch easy miss.Tiffany" Steve says and yells again.
"You just said you didn't " Doina rolled her eyes.
"Ah well... Steve can you like shut your mouth " I scream.

"oh well.. No body knows your crush he's just too quiet for his presence to be known" He shrugs. "I might as well tell the whole universe and no one will be knowing him".
"Steve shut up , he is really popular you don't mess around here" I yell. The pain in my head amplified that squatted down to sit in that Asian pose. With my arms on my head squeezing my eyes together

Doina looked at the time "Time is up I have classes now" she says. Then she looks at me "oh no what happened Leah" she squeaked. "I'm good I'm good get going you must be getting late" I tell her in a low tone voice because pain was suppressing it brining in exhaustion. Doina walks out as Nurse Tiffany woke up immediately and helped me get up. "Elisabeth what happened" She said. "Oh god I should've told you that you needed at least 2-3 days of rest" she says helping me to sleep on the bed beside Steve. "Let me redress your hair after Steve, today's day is so stressful already " She tells getting back to steve.

A boy enters the room. It was Brendon. "Miss.Tiffany if you'll excuse me , Steve was summoned by  Mr. Andrews". he tells her locking his eyes to mine. I look away as the incident which happened today replayed in my mind. The way he was holding me , locking me in his arms. I couldn't maintain eye contact with him after that something is wrong with me.
"He needs rest , I'll talk to Mr. Andrews on behalf of him" Miss. Tiffany tells him. She is so kind and lovely.

She walks to the principals office leaving me , Brendon and steve alone in the infermary. I could feel the tension between them. I just couldn't do anything to cut it off but to lay down helplessly on the infermary bed. Brendon comes close to me dragging the chair. "How are you feeling" he tells me holding my hand. For some odd reasons my heart started racing and I held his hand back. "I am okay" I tell him. I Still couldn't look him in the eye. I was a little embarrassed. I didn't want to look at Steve either because I could already feel his blood boiling.
"I'm sorry about what Patricia did to you Leah" Brendon tells me. "Its okay" I tell him.

"Yeah" he tells me. His hand moves to my hair. He tucks some of my hair behind my ear . Goosebumps went through my body. Still holding my hand he whispered in my ear "take care Leah" sending more goosebumps.  I blink multiple times trying to process what's happening here before I fell drowsy and I slept.
When I woke up I saw Brendon was sleeping with his left arm resting on my bed covering his face , just Like  James. I admired James I wanted him to stay. Brandon is making me feel uncomfortable Like a want him to leave but my heart pounds at the same time. He was still holding my hand with his right arm.  Patrica marched in. she looked horrified at the sight. "seriously stop trying so hard to steal my boyfriend" she yells so bad. "Baby wake up" she shakes him awake. Brendon squeezes his eyes and he had a sleepy head face.  "Leah did you just call me baby" he asks me and smiles."Is this a dream" he comes closer to me as I giggle. Patricia shakes him awake and pulls him to a kiss. Their lips collide. I watch them absolutely disgusted at the same time my heart felt a little ripped apart proving that I still had suppressed feelings for brendon inspite of my obsession over James.

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