Chapter 9

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For some odd reasons it was hard for me to let go of him. Comfort spread across my body and that was all I needed. I felt my heart race. Once I realized that I let go of Steve immediately. I tuck my hair behind my ear and rushed to the music classes. As soon as I took my seat in front of My piano I pressed loud keys together. Staring at Elissa. And I guestured with my hand signaling the message why did you tell Steve. She played a note on her guitar. A strong F chord. She usually does that to say that F word. I rolled my eyes. She finally walked to me and told me "Steve cares about you , he was so worried when he saw your head hanging down today , that's why I told him" she told me and I nodded. I could only recall the moment my heart raced. I can never fall for him It will break friendship and not just that , I wouldn't be happy with steve because my heart races more for James.

I couldn't believe i'm falling for him. Every day when I look at him I'm wishing that he'd talk to me or he'd be mine. Looking at him smile from afar makes my heart race more than anything. Nonny walked to me and yelled "do you really want to go to the principal's room again ? How many times have I told you guys don't mess around in music classes". She yelled. "I care about you guys and I don't want you to be held up in detention, last time it was just over with warning, but who knows what is going to happen next". I roll my eyes as though she cares. If she kept her mouth shut , that would be the biggest favor shes doing us. Steve entered followed my Mr Samson. He gave Elissa a strong glare and walked past us. "time to practice for the skit". Yes it is the umbrella the fake Cinderella skit. I mean how do they come up with such creative titles and creative stories. Its more like a musical. This time the main character is played by Rebecca (umbrella) and her prince charming Justin. It raged Nonnie out when this happened. But Justin makes sure he keeps up distance with Rebecca and prioritise Nonnie he treats her like a princess. Even if he couldn't get her anything special he always buys her small presents , like chocolates , toys , Teddy bears, small adorable things. Nonnie appreciates that and she always reciprocates with love. When I see them together , jealousy does boil up but at the same time I really want them to end together. Because I love how adorable they are. To be honest if Justin was single I would deffo be crushing on him, but my bad.

I continued to play the piano. But I was interrupted by Mr. Samson. "No Leah ,more emotions". Steve jogged into the class and he was taking heavy breaths. "Why are you late to the class" Mr Samson yelled. "I was... *huff*...distributing *puff* flyers...." He caughed and looked at me and smiled. I rolled my eyes and smiled back. I couldnt help but smile. His chestnut brown hair was drenched in sweat. A girl followed him and she grabbed his forearm. "Steve are you okay?" She asked. My mind was screaming "don't touch him , he doesn't like you". It is that never learning Patricia. I mean Steve made it obvious that he doesn't look at her anything more than a friend. But then she comes to me describing about how Steve liked her post and viewed her story. She's lean , beautiful , ofcourse she's a little popular. I did ask Steve why he doesn't like her, I mean she's not that bad of an option. He said "She's annoying". He ignored her and walked to me. I felt special he's my best friend after all. "So you finished practicing ? He asked me . Mr.Samson caughed catching his attention. "I'm sorry" Steve walked past him and sat in front of his drums. I giggled and continued. Never learning Patricia looked at me with rage and walked out. I continued to play. "Leah, more emotions , think about something you love" Mr. Samson commanded.

My mind went to my mom, I looked at her and I closed my eyes and started playing. Then I opened my eyes, as I was playing , I was picturing me and James together. Us holding hands and walking by. Us hugging each other and talking our hearts loud. I could picture un real moments and dates. I got lost and I truly cannot believe that my feelings are growing everyday. My desires are growing everyday and I'm watering it. Mr. Samson commented "yes thats good Leah keep going" he encouraged. Slowly all that thrill turned to sorrow and intensified my emotions and tears slipped from my eyes. I guess Im the only one hooked up to a hopeless love story. I'm too shy to talk to him. Too shy to say anything. I wiped my tears off before anyone could see me.

After class I checked my locker.

Dear Leah ,
How can I stop writing when my feelings for you grows everyday , I cannot stop picturing us together. Doesn't matter if I'm a girl or a boy , doesn't matter if I'm handsome or not. I'm stuck in this hopeless love story and all I Care about is letting you know that I love you , seeing you smile from afar makes me happier than anything. I don't expect relationship, I don't expect you to find me either, this is to show you how much I admire you.

Yours truly,

Could this be my soulmate my mind yelled. We both are caught up in the same situation and he/she is written whatever is running in my mind. Hopeless love story it is. For some odd reasons a smile appeared on my face. I thought I was the only one who felt this way. But there is another person who decided to hide themselves and yet took the risk of loving me. I'll take the risk too. I will take the risk to continue to grow feelings for James. Water it everyday till that builds up enough guts to tell him. Water it everyday so that it says "I'll die for you if I have to". I looked up my schedule and it was English classes. I decided to take the seat next to him today so I rushed to the class room. I sprinted across the corridor and jogged into the room to see the worst sight of my life.

Admiral ✓ (Completed, Review In Progress) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें