Chapter 54

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"Cindy we need a little help here" She said. Her daughter came to her.
"This is Cindy my youngest daughter " She said, wrapping her hand around her shoulder. It was the same girl , who opened the door for me. "Oh , I've been so talkative thag I didn't let you introduce yourself , you must be Elizabeth right?" She grinned.

"Yes that's right". There's only one person who calls me Elizabeth. It haunts me to know who it is. " You can call me Leah" I grinned.

"She's come here to have lunch with us" Barbera said with a graceful smile. She has such a smiling and a graceful face, old people are admiriable. All of us exalt the youth with perfect skin and body, and we don't see the beauty in old people. The wisdom the gray strands of hair represent. The experience they have. They are beautiful.

Barbera is an italian, and it's not my first time cooking Italian of course, it's very common. But she's paying details to everything we add making it as authentic as possible.
Just the usual Ossobuco ,  Risotto and Arancini. With a few secret ingredients.
"This was the menu worth $1000 ?"
"Oh well" Barbera giggled. "Not really, it's that pasta on the list, I need a little assistance for that, if you'll excuse me " she said. I shrugged "it doesn't matter" I smiled, "I had fun that's more important, but I'm worried that pico probably paid for this"
"No no he didn't" Barbera laughed. "I'd never get money from him he's like my son" She smiled. "And yea that restaurant is overpriced anyway, because of it's aesthetic and maintenance".
" I see" I nodd slowly.
We started cooking while sharing about our past and our lives. Barbera shared so many things they did when she was young. The bond they had in her times, was indescribable. She spoke about how everyone used to come outdoors and play hopscotch together  and visit each other's houses and spend time together. She spoke about the letters she used to send her pen pals. These days it's  just endless texting, but back in those days they had the Prevailage to longingly wait for that one person's letter. By the time we completed cooking, I had bonded with them by heart.
I tasted the food we made together. Every bit of it just melted in my mouth giving the best flavor ever.
"This is, awesome, I can't believe it turned out so good" I said placing my hand on my mouth. "You are indeed an amazing cook Barbera pico wasn't wrong". Barbera giggled and Cindy grinned.
"Yea, I've been begging my mum to teach me how to cool like that"
"Oh yeah, I'll join you too, let's learn from her together" I smiled. " Do you know about pico ? " I said placing my hand on my cheek. Cindy whispered "don't tell her thought, I used to have a crush on him , he used to come to our house and paint the most random things". I giggled.

"So tell me, how does he look like?" I tell her.
"He told me not to reveal his identity to anyone, especially a girl with brown hair , nose ring and cute dimples". I rolled my eyes.

" Oh come on"

" I keep my word unfortunately " Cindy smiled.
"I totally understand and I respect that. Ill find out about this pico pico myself" I giggled raising my eyebrows.
"Good luck" She said.

After eating and spending time with them, I waved them bye. I already felt like they were a family to me and I already felt bonded. Barbera told me to visit her again. I of course will, but this time with my mom and dad. I'll tell them about my little search for a person and that leaded me to meet people who were beautiful and friendly.

After I reached home I continued to read the letter.

Wasn't it delicious? , the person who made the dish, is like my mother, I think she would've told you our story, she's someone I trust the most. I wanted you to meet her because I feel like she's more like you Leah, you remind me of her , your kind just like her. That's why I wanted you to see her. You know when you like someone, you'd want to introduce them to your parents?. That's exactly what I did just now. She's my mom figure.
Even if I'm not there, I want you to be there for her. Your her new pica pica  got it? . Okay I'm laughing at this point.

When I read the part your just like her I smiled. This was the biggest compliment I ever received. There's so much beauty when someone compliments your soul. Soul that's everlasting.

My mom and I don't connect, yea how can you connect with a person who is probably going to abuse you because she thinks your a ghost. ?

You're lucky to have a mother, who's understanding and loving, for me it was Miss. Barbera and my sister Cindy. They were a family. My own sister, well she, doesn't really bond with me. She sits in the room and listens to sad songs, she's depressed. Poor girl has to keep up with studies and with life. I am trying my best to be there for her and shield her. She's worried about my health, she doesn't want to loose me. Everytime she looks at me she cries. It's almost asif I'm her last hope.

My mom, she's a little psycho. She takes the notebook and writes down the most random things. Sometimes she scribbles 100000000000000... With endless zeros till the end of the book, and she tells that this is her bank balance.

Sometimes she looks at me, and screams that I'm a ghost and she starts beating me. I never let my sister near her, I would never want my sister to feel the same pain I felt, I slowly abandoned her.

The last thing she asked me was "where is my daughter in law? ". Come on I'm just 19 and she talks about me having a daughter in law. ?  Funny right?. I wish that  it works out between us and I could finally introduce you to her.

Nah, I'm not a player, Leah i'd never let you down. Just look at me having dreams to fly out while I'm caged, having dreams to bloom while I'm already rotting.

I don't know why I trust you so much, but out of everyone I know, I feel like you deserve to know this. Because you love me and I love you.

The paper was dotted with tears, but this time it was mine.

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