Chapter 31

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I felt really bad after reading the message. I felt like I've lost Elissa. Maybe Nonnie is right. She's so right. Elissa sent me a picture with Veronica. I got so mad she said she'll be spending the cristmas with her. My fist clenched the phone so tight.

"Is everything okay Leah ? You seem a little mad" nonnie asked scanning my expression. I give her a small nod. A lump of jealously came up to my throat. My mouth tasted bitter from it.

I close the phone and give Nonnie a fake smile like everything was okay but , clearly it's not. I'm loosing my best friend here , who knows everything about me to some random girl who she met in art class.

"You know what Nonnie , let's enjoy this day and I'm craving chocolate" I tell her and we walk downstairs together. My fist tightens seeing Steve and Diona. Diona grins at me , I give her a wicked glare clearly stateting that I absolutely hate her presence around Steve. Maybe I should get closer to Diona that way steve and her could split apart , who else would Steve talk to ? , the only person that's left is Alicia.

I sit beside Diona with a suspicious friendly smile. She feels a little uncomfortable. I wrap my hand around her shoulder , her shoulders tighten. "So are you enjoying your stay ?"

She grins "absolutely, I'm sorry I don't have friends , I don't get along well with people because everybody thinks I'm a nerd" her cheeks redden.

"It's alright , I don't mind extra visitors you know?" I give Steve a side eye peeking a little bit.

"Steve is like my only friend , after that you know ...incident ?" she smiles.

"Oh yea yea , I'm still greatful that you helped all of us, wanna come upstairs to my room? , let's try some hairstyles on you" I ask her.

She looks at Steve for response, he nodds at her. She gives me a small smile as I grab her by the hand and we walk upstairs.


Her hair was long , black and silkey , my brush went smoothly through it.

"So do you have a crush on Steve ?" I ask her while brushing her soft straight hair.

"No , I don't have a crush on any body honestly , my parents are really strict , can u believe this ? I sneaked out of the house today with a letter on their table. They are definitely going to be mad at me when I return"

"Trust me I've sneaked out too you know ?" I tell her.

"Is your mother strict ?"

"Kind of yea , she wants me to make it to the Ivy's you know ? So it's just studies and church" I smile.

"Same here , they want me to get into Ivy's too. I get no breaks actually" she tells me.

"What course are you picking ?"
"what about you ?"
"Probably literature , I want to write a novel"
"What kind of novel ?"
"I don't know , but if future has a story to tell it would be my novel."
"If you release a novel I would totally read it"
"If I need a lawyer, I'll come to you"

I braid two strands of her hair and pin it in the back , leaving some loose strands in front. She looks adorable with that dress and straight hair swaying behind it. I decorate it with some beads till I'm satisfied with how it turned out.

I give her the mirror and she looks her hair through the dressing table mirror behind her. She covers her mouth with her Hand covering her toothy smile behind it.

"That's so cute" she grins.
"You are cute, that's why it looks cute on you" I give her a compliment.
"Alright I'm going to catch up with Steve"
"Wait , don't go yet-" I hold her.
We played snake and laddars, wore my hydrating mask , and talked our hearts out.
"Do you have a crush ?" she asked rolling the dice. Her hydrating mask stuck to her face.
"Nope" I bite my lip and look down.
"Are you lying?" She asked me.
"Nope, not at all" I tell her.
"Well I lied about not having a crush though"
"Huh ? Diona really who Is it ?" I ask her my eyes wide open. The juices from the mark literally dripping down my throat. I shuddered a little.
"oh the Indian dude ? The Nerd dude ?"
"Yea him" she blushed , she gave me a dreamy look then covered her face with her hands.
Yes he's a smart guy , not going to lie. He has sharp features too. He's my junior and sometimes he used to join us for music classes. He's a really good guitarist. He's really close to Steve. No wonder why she wants Steve's friendship. I giggle.

"What ?" She asked me , her grey eyes looking for answeres.

"Oh well" I giggle again. "I thought you had a crush on Steve this whole time I had no clue that you liked his friend".

She tucked her hair behind her ear. "Steve kind of told me he will help me sneak out so that all of us can meet and I'd finally get the opportunity to talk to him"

Things girls do for love. I genuinely wish that Ajay is not a psychopath like James, ignoring one day and caring the other. Giving mixed signals and messing with my braincells.

Everybody is having dinner tonight together. I sit between Nonnie and Diona . Justin Steve and Alicia sit opposite to us. Alicia looks a little left out today , giving Steve looks and smiling to herself.

"I think she likes Steve" Nonnie whispers in my ear. Yep it's pretty clear that she does. I give her a flat smile nodding , I know it my dear I've seen her brush at him for a while now.

But my only disappointment is that Steve doesn't care. He doesn't even look at her or blink at her or address her existence. He keeps talking to Justin and they giggle among themselves.

"The turkey is really good" Diona said stuffing the meat into her mouth with the fork.
"I'm glad your enjoying" my mom says elegantly. I wish I had her elegance.
"Me and Justin will be leaving tomorrow morning" Nonnie adds in.
"Miss you"
"Miss you too Lee bears" she smiles. Her smile reminds me of Ragina George. She's the most confusing person I've ever seen. one day she's nice , the other day she's annoying. I can never come to an overall conclusion about her.
The next day started sweet , I was woken up by Nonnie who dropped the presents under my Christmas tree , she and Justin left to their houses. Me , Alicia , Nonnie and Diona somehow shared my room. I took the couch and the three girls slept on my bed like squish mellows. Justin and Steve took the guest room.

They had breakfast , becon and eggs and left off leaving Me , Steve , Diona and Alicia behind. Even Alicia said she had to leave , she needs to sing carols in her neighborhood tonight. She also quickly dropped her gift below my Christmas tree , I also gave her the stuff I brought for her. I bought presents for her , Steve and Elissa. I wasn't expecting the rest. The only present that's yet to be given, covered in black wrapped just like how she'd love it is still in my closet.

I go out to check my mailbox , I find another letter just like I expected.

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