Chapter 2

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I took a seat in front of my piano trying to remember the keys. Today Mr. Samson was absent to class so
I had nothing to do but to practice for the school play. Steve was sitting in front of his drums beat boxing for no reason. Elissa gave me a deadly stare holding her electric guitar. She probably knew I was hiding something from her. Elissa is absolutely scary with her smoky eyes with smuged eyeliner below her eyes . her septum piercing and wolf cut. She's always dressed like a goth girl. She aggressively played a few notes on her guitar fixing that deadly glare on me. she's probably saying "what are you hiding". I fixed my eyes on Elissa and randomly pressed 6-8 keys together on my pinao with so much pressure as a response. Steve randomly hit is drums laughing at us. "Shut up will you?" A girl pressed her lips holding her violin trying to summarize her part. Yea it's that annoying Nonny who gets annoyed by Steve and Steve alone. Oh yea she has a boyfriend that stupid math kid. Who's stitting right next to her holding a guitar staring at the notes he was meant to play just like her. They are cringe ,absolute cringe. When I look at them going around like lovebirds and singing vocals together like they are meant to be . Who even told them to take singing classes?. And who gave them the permission to sing love songs in the middle of Music classes. They'd be humming and its not that nobody was able to hear it. Professor Samson had silenced them so many times and they giggled it off. Sometimes when they perform he'd compliment about howmuch their voices sync with each other like they were meant to be. Sometimes I just want to take Nonnie's violin and break it on the most expensive car possible. Probably a Tesla. When will it be my time to fall in love. I want to say it every time I break it. I mean look at Justin the math boy. He's so handsome , and so talented. Nonnie , that dumb bonde is so lucky to have him. I hate her for absolutely valid reasons . number one she is super rude to me . She complains about how off key I sound when I sing and how my piano skills are terrible. I mean you should see her play the violin, even a parrot squeaking or pig honking would be better than to listen to her play. She calls it "practice" and tells me how hard is it to master violin. Oh really ? Even I'm suffering here with my piano miss perfect pants.

Number two , she's always looking at Steve like shes always got something to say to him. She could stare at her boyfriend as much as she wants. Not our friend and point out every single mistake in him. Like Steve is the definition of burden for her.

I roll my eyes at her and continue to play my keyboard. "Too loud" Nonnie squeaks. I streach my mouth to a creepy smile opening my eyes wide. "I don't care" I continue to play. I signaled Steve and Elissa to join me in. Both of them started playing very loudly. Elissa's electric guitar was the loudest among us. Nonnie was screaming none of it was heard. Last thing I don't want today is my Ears drums to become defective. But internally I was laughing so much seeing Nonnie suffer like never before. The door creeked open. Miss Bella walked in with her high raised bun and formal clothes . Typical pencil skirt and shirt and 4inch black heels. I don't understand how does she look like a generic teacher. She has those rounded specs and deep glare. She doesn't look through her specs she bends her head and looks towards us. For her age she's a beautiful lady pretty wrinkled but elegant face. She's my English teacher. "Enough is enough off to the principals office , Now!" . all of us stood up and I played an off key note while getting up to bring some humour into the situation but none of them laughed except Steve. Miss Bella stomped near him and yelled "show some respect when a teacher is in the classroom". Steve rolled His eyes "I'm sorry miss Bella" he apologized. Best part of Steve is that he's never egoistic with anyone. He's always straight. If he likes a person he says yes and if he doesn't he says no. It's pretty rare these days because when people ask out , a lot of us are there to confuse the person who asked you out. For example Brendon I asked around a year ago. I had the nerve to ask him out. But he gave me mixed signs finally to turn me down. Not only that... He goes about like "I would date you , you know if at all You know..." He kept telling "I would date you..." Stuff but in reality he was seeking someone better. He wanted someone better than Leah Elizabeth Lopez. There are so many people better than Leah Elizabeth Lopez. She's pretty uncool because she's different. But I like Leah Elizabeth Lopez , I'm building her to be much more. Motivational thoughts filled my head as my head was hanging downwards while waking towards the principals room. I've never been here before except for once, when I was in fifth grade , I slapped a boy so hard that his nose started bleeding, long story. I tucked my hair behind four to five times as it was dropping on my face. Elissa was pretty chill like she's about to say hi to the principal doesn't matter what the situation is going to be. She's been there several times and she has received detention ,suspension everything you could name of. As of for steve he seemed pretty nervous too he had His head hanging down as well. He stopped halfway and waited for me to join him and he held my hand. It was really cold. "Steve are you nervous" I whisper. he nods. "Same" I whisper again and he gradually let go of my fingers. I mean I don't understand why he likes holding my hand so much. He tells they are very tiny and soft. I don't know if he was attempting to flirt or he was just joking around but I was absolutely disgusted.

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