Chapter 5

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After school I packed my bags and waited for Elissa to show up. She waved at me from the school hallway while I was walking towards the exit. She ran to me and caught up with me. Elissa Wore a baggy hoodie which had ribcage design , black of course and black flare Jeans. She has so many tattoos. One on her forearm , one on her leg, her thigh, One near her neck , behind her ear, on her tummy . my favorite tattoo of hers is the one on her arm. Its a huge inked skeleton that if she places that on her face it makes it look like a mask and also the spider Lilly on her back. That spider Lilly is so special to her. Its about a dead relationship. It symbolically represents her dead father. She also has a special tattoo , that represents me and her. Its an Infinity. She insisted I should get one too but I wasn't interested in getting my hand tattooed or any of my body parts for that matter. I consider myself as a piece of artwork , in my eyes getting myself tattooed is like scribbling the artwork. It doesn't take a tattoo to prove your love for a Friend. I would die for her, thats how much I love her.

Elissa hugged me and wrapped her hand around my shoulder. "Let's go and have coffee and then go to the tattoo parlor". We walk to the nearest café and I ordered a latte with whipped cream , Elissa got a cappuccino. She always gets that for how aesthetic it looks. Its kind of wonderful to see her dimples reappear today. Back then when her father died she's literally drank jars and jars of black coffee and stayed up all night. I used to receive drunk calls from her and she'd curse every single guy she's ever dated and would curse her father too for leaving her so soon ,  freezing even the little bit of heart she had.  Her eyes were red from morphine , heroine , cocaine everyday in school. At one point she stopped coming to school. She was just seventeen but her body was a drug carrier. She became extremely slim from barley eating anything. Her hair started having bald spots and she used wig to cover it. And her grades dropped so much. But during summers she was sent to rehab. It worked out for her , I'm so happy about that. Everyday I was on my knees hoping that she'd be alright. My hands were clenched tight in prayers. I used to worry so much .Sometimes I cried so much because of her suffering. Some say souls connect between best friends and that's me and her.

We finally left the cafe after eating garlic bread and drinking our coffee. The fact that she's still an alcoholic worries me and even now she's a heavy drinker. I hope she makes it through that as well. Just like how she faught against her drug addiction. "so Leah what do you think of this anonymous person" she asked me as we were walking to the tattoo parlor.
"Well I don't know I honestly don't Care".
"You should probably give him a reply letter someday"
"No , Elissa you know who I like"
"Come on Leah he's just someone who you look at during English classes"
"I know but I feel attached to him its been 5 months and I'm still not over it"
"Then make a move talk to him"
"I'd rather not"
I close my eyes and I look up to the sky. I'm waiting for him . Him to talk first, him to tell me he likes me. Because I know if I start I'll mess up just like what happened between me and Brendon. I don't want to mess up between me and James. Sometimes I cannot accept my fate , like what  if we don't end up together. It keeps playing in my mind. That makes me want to hurry things and makes me want to confess first and tell how I feel. But hard lesson life teaches us is that we don't always get what we want and some people are just meant to dissolve in it. Twisting the fate isn't going to work on what's already decided. Elissa maintained silence as I was deep in thoughts.

"Shall I tell him ?" she whispers. "I know your afraid you will mess up Leah"
I smile at her and hug her.
"I sometimes feel like I shouldn't be obsessing over something thats so far away to reach there is still a chance it may slip and fade away,its better to admire every single thing about something thats far away, thats enough for me. I have those who are near to cherish. Its not like love can only come from that one person". I say trying to swallow the pain from the possibility that we may not even end up speaking to each other and graduate as strangers.

"Wow someone is actually getting creative with words here" Elissa cheers me up. She holds my hand as we walk into the tattoo parlor. She takes a seat as the tattoo artist scans her neck. She unzips her hoodie revealing a black top she wore inside. It was plain. A lady approached me ,she had like 4-5 piercings on her face and yet her features were vibrant . "You must be Leah Elizabeth" she smiled as she took one of her piercing device. "Nose piercing right ? Elissa booked an appointment for you". I give her a nod. My fingers grew cold as she bought the nose piercing gun near me. I closed my eyes tight and clenched my fist and within seconds a sting was felt and the pain was felt across my face. "Ouch ouch ouch" I say in a mild tone. The pain was a little tolerable but pain is pain after all. "It should settle soon" the lady told me as I was squeezing my face and nodding from the pain. Hours passed by , I was holding Elissa's hand as she cleanched it whenever she felt the pain from tattooing but most of the time she was reaction less. That made me believe that tattoo is probably painless. It was a huge roses on the side of her neck with snake.  She paid a bunch of notes for that and a few dollars for my piercing. "How did you get so much money" I ask her. She winked at me and told me she saves every single penny from her part time job. As we walked out it started raining.

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