Chapter 11

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As me and Steve took the seat next to each other in the bus. He looked at me and held my Hand. "Leah , I'm okay with James but not him Leah, not Brendon please" his eyes begged mine. "I know silly I Won't" I managed to smile and he smiled too. I got of the bus and rushed to my house. Surprisingly mom came out of that gloomy environment and she was kitting a scarf. "Hei mom" I tell her and give her a hug. A huge tight hug. She kissed my forehead and told me to freshen up ,she bought me some doritos. I immediately rushed , took an afternoon shower and had my doritos. After spending an hour or so with my mom , to keep her distracted from what dad did ,I rushed back and continued to study. I studied till it was late night. I cannot let my mother go down. I  have to make it to a good college. I squeezed my eyes and stayed awake . I had my favorite green apple flavored energy drink and continued to stay awake. My mom stayed awake with me and she didnt need energy drink. She was reading the bible and praying as any holey woman would do.

At least there is something to sustain her , something to stay with her when she's troubled and that is god.

When I finished my portions for the day I closed my eyes to sleep. I picture James choosing Patricia over me and my heart aches. I wake up with sting spread across my heart so I put all that pain into studying.

The next day when I saw my locker , the letter said..

Dear Leah,
  I really wish you could see me just the way you see him.

Yours ,

See who ? James ? . This person certainly knows that and he/ she has been noting that. Elissa walked to me. "Hmm..another letter from anonymous huh ? Aren't you over this already?" She asked me. "I am over this but I really don't want this person to like me" I sound heavy. "I already like someone" I say. "Someone you never spoke to.." Elissa added. "nice outfit by the way". She looks at me. "Looking like Regina George" she laughs. Yea I wore pink cropped hoodie zipped up 3/4 way through and a white Cammy top inside , covering my belly  and light blue boot cut jeans. "Regina George indeed" I roll my eyes pushing my hair back. I look at Patricia holding James's forearm and walking , talking together. She was laughing as they walk past me. James had a nutral expression. She was confidetly able to pull out that crop top and still look excellent in it. She gave me a sour look. "Hey..I don't look that bad"I whisper to myself.

"Your love story is getting even more impractical huh" She tells me. I roll my eyes and slam my locker shut. And I tried to walk but my face Burried under a blue hoodie. It was Brendon "goodmorning princess" he bought me flowers. Elissa started laughing the 'do-you-think-you-can-win-her-back' laugh. "What's wrong with your friend?"Brendon asked me. "Ah well nothing.." I sounded lost. Because the image of Patricia and James repeated in my mind. I just want to cry at this point. "Thank you" I tell him . "always ..."He leans to hug me but I'm interrupted by a hand around my neck. "Steve" I yell in a chocking voice. He pulls me across the corridor. "stay away from him" he tells me. "No but I can't just avoid it like that , he's trying to change , he bought me flowers" I innocently showed him my flowers. Steve looked disgusted. His eyes locked mine and that slowly grew to concern "I want to protect you at all cost , as a best friend I want to give you everything.." He paused "but I cannot see a stupid rumour spread about you again , or you hurt again, that is exactly why I don't want you to talk to this particular person". He told me. And I managed to nodd even though deep Down I knew I'm not gonna listen to his advice and fall into the same trap again.

I walked to Brendon and he held my hand. A smile gleaemd across my face. Should we actually date or be together ? . for some odd reasons , I really felt like he was the person for me. Atleast now it is pretty obvious that James likes someone else I have to move on. Let's see what Brendon has to say, give him another chance maybe.

When I looked to my right Elissa looked terrified. When I looked to my left , Steve facepalmed . I smirked.  He drops me off at English class and I take a seat in the last row, not caring about James. But surprisingly James wasn't in the class. He walked in after I took my seat , with Patricia explaining something to her. My eyes grew dead and my heart sinked. I tried not to look , so I looked down. Few seconds later I could hear creek sound in the desk next to me. Convincing myself it was Steve I looked to my side. To my surprise light shone again. My eyes lit up and I smiled. "James ,what are you doing here" I tell him. "Well I wanted to talk to you so...why not" he tells me smiling. My mind was screaming "Leah !! Oh my god , does he like you back? maybe he does... Omg omg omg" I would jump off my desk and run around the whole school. Happiness bubbled up and I couldn't stop smiling and twirling my hair. Maybe my Regina George makeup today worked out. "Well it was about yesterdays classes I couldn't capture what she was telling , I heard you get good grades in English, and you've got perfect score before. Mind meeting me at the library after school?" He asks me . "sure" I tell him.  he smiles and leaves the place and walks to the front row and takes a seat next to Patricia. My mind yelled "I hate her". the expression was evident as Steve walked to me laughing. But still a part of me is so excited to spend time studying my favorite subject with him. Steve replaced the place James left behind and English classes started.

After school I walk to the library waiting for James. As a good friend Steve would Ever be ,he joined me. I wanted time with James alone but I guess thats not happening with this overprotective third Wheeler.

Admiral ✓ (Completed, Review In Progress) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora