Chapter 52

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I layed down on my bed taking the first letter from the batch.

Dear Leah,

The prom went well didn't it? Kind of like, one of the most memorable days of my life. And I had to admit, the one who made it memorable was you, looking at you was enough, looking at you smile was enough.

I found you in the rain, your more of monsoon than summer. Rain reminds me of you. Your beautiful and sad at the same time. Sad in my eyes, your not a sad person Leah, sad because I feel fate doesn't want us together.

I long for you, and I am waiting for the time I could finally tell you. We could finally be together. Right?.

Something feels oddly wrong with my body, I feel really tired. I've been loosing a lot of weight lately, it's kind of worrying me.

Mom and dad said they will get some tests run on me, if you wonder how my letters reached your mailbox, well, remember the day I stole your ID ?. I did that to note down your address, so that I could mail it.

I'm so sorry, I did that. I am prepared for anything, I'm sick, I don't know if I'll be admitted in the hospital, whatever it is I still want to keep communicating with you.

Yours ,

All this time he was sick?. I feel deeply sorry for whoever wrote this. Now I understand why Steve felt guilty and felt the need to send these to me.

Even though past doesn't matter to me anymore. , my curiosity is bugging me.

Dear Leah,

How does it feel to be weak and worn out, how does it feel when you know, at this point all of your dreams are shattered.

How does it feel when hopelessness is overwhelming, I am longing to see you for the last time. But not yet, I'll fight, I'll fight through this. I'll win this battle. And when I do, I'll tell you everything and we will be together forever won't we?. I hope you will wait for me.

Don't forget me Leah, one thing I know, one thing I know for sure is that you love me and I can see it in your eyes.

My heart sinked, I had a feeling I knew exactly who was writing such letters. But I didn't want to come to any conclusions yet. I had times when I came to conclusions like last time, I should've analysed the letters before trusting Steve blindly.

I wanted it to be Steve at that point. I really didn't want it to be anyone else because others have hurt me. They've left scars in my heart. My first kiss and my last kiss so far, James. Poor me, I wasted something valueable on a person who didn't value me but insted chose to mess around.

The rose he ripped and threw on the ground. Time is something that heals, if you admit it or not. It haunted me till seven years back. That thing he did to me slowly turned into nightmares. I found it hard to trust love.

It used to impact on initial stages of relationship between me and Steve. I would get offended for little things and I didn't feel worthy of being loved because I was overthinking what James did to me.

It took me to a point I realized how fragile I was. How easily things could break me. There are people on the other side, loosing their beloved and still gluing themselves together and focusing on their work for their family's sake and I was there, ripped apart, putting the weight on Steves shoulders.

Steve battled for my trust. He battled for my heart. Inspite of all of my overthinking, he calmed me down and kissed my forehead. Brought me flowers with his part time job money. He made sure I was happy. Until this point.

He told me a huge lie. I couldn't believe Steve had the potential to lie. Even if he did, I didn't know his lie would be this big. I opened the third letter, there were ten of them.

Dear leah ,

Promise me, you will go to this place and read this letter, because it's the place where I wanted to take you on our first date. Hey, I know I'm ruining the secret plans I have for us. But right now, I want you to check out this place in the map.

There was a place on the map, probably a cafè I'm not sure.

I waited till next day when the sun shone bright, I got dressed and sprayed on my perfume, I kissed my dad's cheek and started my car. I took a deep breath in, today I'll probably find out who that person is.

I follow the map, and it lead to some kind of a vintage Cafe. I entered and rechecked the map, yes , this is the place same name.

There were glass walls, and Greek paintings, with flowers and paint all over, even the teacups were artistic and there were a very few Customers typically old ones. I was wearing a floral heart neck top with princess sleevles and  a denim knee length skirt. My clothes kind of matched the aesthetic of the cafè.

A wave of excitement entered my heart. The place looked so beautiful, especially the chandeliers red curtains. Mr. Anonymous really has a taste for artistic things doesn't he?.

I knew a person who loves things which are artistic.
I still don't believe it's him. It couldn't be him. I push away the thoughts and  I saw some kind of a token attached to the letter and and arrow mark pointing the token, it said

Give it to a woman named Barbera.

I went to the receptionist counter.

"Excuse me? Do you know any employee named Barbera? "

"Give me a second" She did something on her computer. "Oh well , she was our old chef, she retired a  few years back, I'm sorry" She smiled.
"Ah well, I kind of have this token right here" I give her the token. "Is it still valid?"

"Unfortunately not, I'm really sorry for the inconvenience"

"Then I'd like to order whatever is ordered in that token".

"A few items in these list, are no longer sold here because these food were authentic recipes of Barbera and was a part of our secret menu for a while. Whoever gave this to you must be someone related to her a friend perhaps"

"Is there anyway I can contact her, her number, her address ? "

"Well, here's her address if you need", she scribbled something on a piece of paper and gave it over to me.

"Usually we don't give off stuff like this, but, since the costomer paid around $1000 for the cousine, and that too they gave you something from the secret menu, I believe they must be someone important to her or related to her." She smiled.

I never knew secret menus existed till now. And who pays a $1000 dollars for food, this person is seriously nuts.
The letter said.

Read further only after you receive the food.

Uff, I think I'm taking this too seriously. But since I'm in my hometown, I want to take my time to unravel who this mysterious person is slowly , I have plenty of time. On the other hand I'm also a person who takes promises seriously.

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