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Tae stayed in his room, sitting on his bed as he waited for the bunny boy to walk out after doing his business. The door was soon pulled open as the bunny boy stood at the door step with his shoulders slumped down.

"What happened Googie?" Tae asked worriedly.

"Googie's wet." Tae stared at the boy with wide eyes.

"You are what?" He asked, Googie tilted his head as he show tae his sleeves that were soaked with water.

"Googie is wettyy." He whined flap his hands together more like his paws together. Tae blinked his eyes and sighed.

"Oh what was I thinking! " Tae spoke to himself as he walked to get a small towel. He dried the sleeves slightly by tapping the towel on it.

"This will be dried soon, ok now?" Tae asked, Googie nodded his head with a wide bunny smile.

"Happy happy." He spoke tilting his head sideways repeatedly.

"Enough, let's go the food must be arriving any time." Tae spoke as he held Googie's wrist and dragged him to the living room. Just as tae made Googie sit on the couch the door bell of his house rang making the bunny boy shoot up with a jerk. He almost knocked tae down by the speed he stood up, tae took a step back as he looked at Googie who was looking around with a curious face.

"What that?" He asked pointing in the air.

"That's the sound of the bell, sit here I will bring our food." Tae spoke as he pushed Googie's shoulder making him sit back. As tae walked to the door Googie's eyes followed the male, blinking his doe eyes he stared at tae who thanked the guard who came to deliver the food after receiving it from the delivery boy down there.

"Come, our food is here." Tae called motioning Googie to follow him, the bunny boy was immediately on his feets as he bounced in tiny and went near tae.

Tae was taking out the boxes as he was placing them on the table, he smiled as he saw Googie peeking from his shoulder.

"Sit there, carefully." Tae spoke, the boy nodded as he slowly dragged a chair and as tae taught he sat on it with his hands over the table.

Tae smiled as he patted the boy's head who smiled cutely at tae. Placing the strawberry pie, strawberry smoothie and chocolate pancakes tae sat on a chair too.

"What is this?" Googie asked pointing at the strawberry pie, tae smiled.

"It's a strawberry pie." Tae replied, Googie tilted his head.

"Strwerry pie?" He asked, tae shook his head with a chuckle.

"Not strwerry that's strawberry." Tae corrected.

"Strowerry." Googie spoke, tae shook his head again.

"That's strawberry." He repeated.

"Yes strowerry." Googie spoke, tae sighed.

"Not strawberry it's strowerry." Tae spoke but frowned.

"Eh? What am I saying? Oh god this boy will make me forget everything. Googie it's straw--be-ry. Ok str-aw- ber-ry." Tae spoke make some weird faces to let the male understand exactly how is strawberry pronounced. Googie imitated tae's facial expression.

"Str-aw- ber-ryyyyy~~" Googi spoke, making tae smile widely.

"That's good, say it again." Tae spoke with a wide boxy smile.

"Strowerry." Googie spoke with soft giggles, tae licked his lips with a done look.

"Forget it." Tae spoke, as he gave a few pancakes to Googie along with a bottle of strawberry smoothie.

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