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Short chapter ahead, for which I am extremely sorry. Actually my head is hurting that is causing me to have writers block. I know what to write but how should I put all the things properly is something my mind iss refusing to do. So I will try to get a hold on my mind and try to write a good chapter tomorrow...

The next day.

Tae and Googie got their bags packed as they needed to shift back to the dorms cause it was finally the day their vacation was ending. Googie had his eyes wide as he looked around the building their car stopped infront.

Tae helped the male to come out, the two went up to the floor they live in while the guards carried their bags. Tae put the password of the house/ dorm they live in. The building has many flats/houses/dorms for other groups that work under the company BTS works for. A floor for each group and they were at the floor BTS have right on.

Tae pushed the door and walked in holding Googie's hands, just as the two stepped inside they heard loud party poppers sound. With wide curious eyes, Googie stared around as he saw the 5 hyungs of his standing with party poppers in their hands and wide smiles on their faces.

"Welcome to the world of Bangtan." They spoke in a cheerful tone, Googie smiled widely as he hopped over his toes slightly.

"Thank youuuu." He sang with the tiny bounce making the 6 including tae coe at him.

"Come on get inside." Jin spoke as they all walked in, the guards kept their bags near the main door and left. Getting settled on the couches, Googie looked around with his curious doe eyes.

"So Googie, did you liked our house?" Hoseok asked Wiggling his eyebrows, the boy followed his action as he wiggled his eyebrows while speaking.

"I really liked this hour hobi hyungie." He replied with the Wiggling eyebrows that made other giggle, while hoseok scratched the back of his head.

"That's great, see we have four rooms in the dorms. Me and Joon share one while this three shares same room. If you want you can take a room all for yourself." Jin explained softly, Googie shook his head.

"I will stay with hyungie." He replied smiling cutely at tae who nodded patting his head.

"He will share room with me." Tae replied, they all began to talk about Googie. As in what he likes to eat and all that, the other members of BTS got to know that Googie loves banana milk, carrots and ramen. Hoseok, Jimin and Jin were extremely happy to know the male loves to watch kdramas while yoongi was amazed to know Googie can play piano too.

They were talking among themselves but got interrupted by the bell that rang by someone. Hoseok went to check who it was and welcomed their manager who was here to meet all of them.

"Well ,great that you all have finally returned. I hope you all have enjoyed your vacation, now it's time for work." Bogum spoke sitting on a chair that Jimin bought for him.

"Yeah time for work." Namjoon spoke cheering aloud, he was extremely excited to make new music and get love from army's. Well others weren't less, no matter how much they have enjoyed this vacation they missed their fans too much throughout the month.

"Great to know that you all are excellent. I have sent you all the schedules for the upcoming days. You have to reach to company in afternoon, and start making the new song that we are supposed to release as a comeback from you all on your debut anniversary." Bogum explained, they all hummed understanding what the male meant.

"Well I have already worked on a song, we can discuss and see if we can for it or not?" Namjoon suggested, they all hummed.

"Yeah that's a good idea, oh tae. Will you leave your friend here in the dorms alone while you are at company?" Bogum asked looking at tae who glanced at the bunny boy. Googie immediately held tae's arms shaking his head.

"Umm is it fine if I take him with me there. I promise he won't create any troubles." Tae spoke, bogum sighed.

"I have talked to the ceo about it, and bang pd nim has said... That you can take him with you anywhere as long as he isn't caught in the cameras." Bogum spoke with a wide smile, tae smiled widely as he looked at his hyung's who had soft smiles as well.

"Thank you so much hyung, Googie you will go to the company with me." Tae spoke flicking Googie chin who smiled cutely rubbing his soft cheeks over tae's arms.

"Googie is happy." He spoke, making others including bogum coe at the adorable being.

"Ok then, meet me in company. I will take my leave now, bye." Tae and others waved at the male as he went away, tae took their bags as he began to set everything while Googie was taken away by jimin and Jin as they wanted to show something to the bunny boy.

Once tae was done he walked out to talk to his hyung's and know what exactly they did in their vacation. Soon Jin, Jimin and Googie joined them once they were done. Tae asked what did the two wanted to show the male but they said it's nothing important and definitely not something tae should know. The male gave the two suspicious looks, but he knew he can know what the two showed Googie once they are alone. No way the bunny boy will hide anything from him.

They had their lunch together and began to get ready to leave for the company, getting dressed they all went in their respective cars and left for their work place after days.

Even tho tae had promised that Googie want create troubles who know what the future holds for them....


To be continue...

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Stay tuned cutiesssssssss...

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