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Next morning...

Jungkook drove them towards the graveyard where taesha was, tae had his heart sinking in his chest as they got closer to the silent street. Parking the car, Jungkook stepped down first, he opened the door for tae. Tae stepped down and took a deep breath, his heart felt heavy which Jungkook was able to understand.

"Take a deep breath, I am here." Jungkook said giving a soft squeeze to their interwined hands, tae hummed as he took a deep breath and gave a small nod to Jungkook. The two walked in together, Jungkook lead tae towards the small grave. The sight itself made tae tear up, the grave was clean a picture of the girl was over the side with flowers around. The birth date and death date of the girl along with her full name was carved too.

"Taesha, look whom did I bought today." Jungkook said as it wasn't his first time visiting the girl, he often visits her as they were close friends, had spend their childhood together. Even tho, she was tae's sister, for Jungkook she was no less than a sister too.

"Noona." Tae called, his voice came out shaky as he tried hard to hold back the sobs. He can't believe the sister of his who loved him so much was here laying under the soil for years.

"Noona--its me. Tae---" Tae paused as tears began to roll down on his cheeks, he felt his knees giving up cause he wasn't able to remember a single memory of theirs. He wish he could remember atleast their giggles but no, he can't. He can't even try to remember them or he will ended up putting his life in danger.

Tae slowly got on his knees sitting on the ground, Jungkook let go of tae's hands as he sat on the ground as well but didn't said a word. He knew the male was going through a hard time, and the only way for tae to get out of the guilt that he is trying to hide from Jungkook is letting his feelings and emotions out.

"Noona i--i am sorry." Tae said as he caressed the cemetery, tears flowing like a river.

"Noona I know...I know you don't blame me. But... noona somewhere in the corner we all know there is my fault. If...if I didn't had asked appa--- nothing like this would have happened. Maybe the accident would haven't been this bad, that...made all of us be on death bed. Noona...noona I don't know what can I say... I have no words. Sorry for coming to you so late...you dumb brother forgot about you." Tae said, his low sobs have been increasing by every word he said, his heart was aching in his chest.

But the tears weren't just flowing from his eyes, his bunny had his head hung low as he shed the tears too. He was feeling as if someone was tearing his heart apart as tae's crying and sobbing sounds echoed in his ears.

"Noona taetae is sorry for everything, but know...that I love you, tho I...I don't remember anything we did in our childhood, neither any memories nor any event. But...I know we have been very happy, I am sorry for not being with you...when you needed me the most...noona forgive this brother of yours...I...I promise to come to meet you every week, I promise I will 🥳 your birthday..." Tae said as he placed his head over the cemetery, his whole body shaking as he sibbs fisting his fingers. The pain and agony was too much to be explained, Jungkook was quick to pick the male and pull him in his embrace as he heard the loud gasps from tae.

"My love...calm down. Please..." Jungkook said as he felt tae fisting his shirt, he rubbed the male's back as tae tried hard to not cry. But it was his first time seeing his sister's grave, the sister he didn't remember for 18 years, the sister who loved him so much that even at her last minutes she showed her love and gave tae his life.

"Can't she...she be back?" Tae asked looking at jungkook with his teary eyes, he knew he was sounding werid. There's no possibility of a person to be back when he died 18 years ago, but it was his heart that wanted to hear a yes. That his sister will be back to him, will call him taetae will hug him and shower him with her love.

"My heart we wish she could but we know she won't." Jungkook said cupping tae's cheeks who sniffed, his lips wobbled as he hugged Jungkook again. Tae's sobs got calmer as the minutes passed, minutes later the male was just sniffing as he was still snugged in jungkook's hold.

"Noona, I am in relationship with koo. We are boyfriends." Tae said as he backed away from Jungkook but interwined their fingers.

"You know noona, he told me everything about us. I wish I could remember all that by putting pressure on my brain, but it is not possible. I don't want to ruin the life I have been blessed with." Tae said with a smile tho tears were still in his eyes.

"You see he loves me so so so much that he can even be a beggar for me." Tae joked looking at jungkook who smiled softly nodding his head.

"Not just a beggar my heart if you want I will lay on the floor and you can walk over me like you are walking on a red carpet and I would be glad of that." Jungkook said that got tae's cheeks dusted with pink blush.

"See, he loves me so much. And you know noona, I have thought one thing." Tae said as he caressed the cemetery of his sister, Jungkook looked at tae as he waited for the male to say what have he thought.

"I have decided that if me and kookie will have a baby girl we will name her taesha." Tae said, Jungkook's eyes went wide as he felt butterflies going wild in his stomach. Tae have thought the name of their babygirl already, the thought of having his own kid was enough to make his heart skip beats. And the thought of tae giving their daughter taesha's name made Jungkook's heart warm, indeed the Kim's siblings love for each other can never be explained in words.

The two sat there for a few hours, mhm sat there in silence or tae telling about his life to his sister feeling glad apart from his friends, jeon's and Jungkook he now got a sister to share things with, tho he knew she won't be able to reply to him yet he knew she was still listening to him with a soft smile.

Bidding byes to her they drove to tej hospital where the Kim couple where. Jungkook asked tae to wear a mask as they needed to still be conscious around the public. Walking straight to the vip section from the parking Jungkook lead tae to the vip rooms of the Kim's. Pushing the door he walked in followed by tae whose heart shattered again seeing his parents laying almost life less and pale in the bed with many wires connected to them.

Taking baby steps to the bed tae stood between the two, staring at the with glossy eyes. Tae have decided that he won't cry, as he saw Jungkook having tear stained cheeks and red eyes while they were in grave yard, and he didn't wanted the male to cry caus eof him.

"Eomma, appa." Tae called, Jungkook stayed at the corner observing his love who held his parents hands sitting between the two like a kid, Jungkook wiped the tear off his eyes as he still can't remove the sight of the two after the horrible accident.

Tae talked to them, the same words he said to taesha, saying how sorry he was for forgetting them, how guilty he feels to be the one who was also a reason for them to be here. He shedded a some tears but didn't sobbed.

"Eomma appa you know aunt somi still treats me like a prince and not just her but all the jeon's are the same. They will make sure I am eating well, I am being served all my favourite food, I gets to eat ice cream then I want, they talk to me not matter how late it is." Tae said as he narrated about the things jeon's did and how they pampered him when they met him after years.

And then the narration of a certain bunny started that got the bunny all smily, tae's eyes stayed fixed on Jungkook as he told how the male takes care of him, how he feeds him with his own hand. All in all tae told his parents about everything he could. Hours passed like that, after a few minutes of their arrival tae even got Jungkook to sit near him so the male won't be tired.

After spending lots of time with his parents tae finally thought to say bye to them as he was getting tons of calls and messages from his group, bidding byes to the two. Taekook drove to the dorms as namjoon had asked them to reach there as soon as possible.


To be continue...

Tell me how it was....

I know the chapter is short but I am damn tired and can't write more than this so sorryyyyy🥺🥺🥺🥺

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Stay tuned cutiesssssssss....

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