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The new handmade bracelet on my website shop, do check it out

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The new handmade bracelet on my website shop, do check it out. I would love it if someone buys it too, otherwise share it with your friends and help me be independent.

The link of the site is given here:


Jungkook ran inside tae's room, tae ran behind him with the vision still in his hand. Jungkook laughed as tae made a move of hitting him just to be fail again as Jungkook jumped on tae's bed making the male glare at him.

"Get down." Tae spoke, Jungkook shook his head.

"I won't." He replied smiling mischievously, tae narrowed his eyes.

" You sure?" He asked, Jungkook nodded and giggled as tae jumped on the bed too, he began to hit Jungkook with the fusion who in his defence took the pillow that was on the bed.

Tae gasped as he hit Jungkook with the cushion and Jungkook hit back with the pillow. He glared more like smiled more like smile glared, whatever...

The two began to do the same, sometimes hitting each other with the pillow while sometimes dodging it, while other times bumping the pillows. Their loud giggles echoed in the silent apartment of tae, as the two laughed and laid on the soft mattresses panting hard.

"Wahhh, from tag to pillow fight we came a long way." Jungkook spoke with a chuckle as he glanced at his right where tae was laying. The male hummed and looked back at Jungkook, the wide smiles on their faces stayed the way it was as they stared in each other's eyes feeling themselves being lost in others stary eyes.

None was able to move away their gaze, until tae thought it was finally for him to take his revenge, he didn't moved his gaze and stared in jungkook's eyes but his one hand moved to the pillow that was on his right. He gripped it and lifted it to hit Jungkook's chest, but his wrist was held by Jungkook who wiggled his eyebrows.

"You can't fool me, I can read your eyes." Jungkook spoke making tae huff as he tried to get his wrist out of Jungkook's grip but Jungkook wasn't really planning on leaving it any time soon.

"What?" Tae asked blinking his eyes at Jungkook who smiled softly as he made tae hit his face with the pillow, tae's wrist still in his hold.

"What are you doing?" Tae spoke with a surprised face really not expecting the male to get the hit on his face on his own.

"You wanted it, you get it." Jungkook spoke with a soft smile and millions of emotions dancing in his eyes, as tae's eyes got locked with those soft doe eyes he felt butterflies going wild in his stomach, not even his knowing his cheeks got dusted pink as he tried to get his wrist off jungkook's grip.

"Thank you so much." Tae mumbled as he looked at his wrist that was still in jungkook's hold. Who turned slightly and supported his head over his other hand.

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