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"did you like the food?" Somi asked as she walked with tae towards the couch once the lunch was over.

"It was amazing, thank you so much aunt." Tae spoke smiling widely as the two got settled on the couch, Jungkook who was following the two tapped on his mother's shoulder asking her to move from 'his' place but she frowned at her.

"Sit here." She patted at her right side as tae was sitting on her left.

"Mom." Jungkook spoke with a small smile, she just rolled her eyes at the boy well I would do that too if someone asked me to move away from my bias.

"Sit here or sit with your dad." She spoke pointing at the male who was casually sitting over one of the couch, Jungkook huffed slightly as he got settled next to his mother.

"Ok, so what are we starting from, games, movies or something else?" Lisa asked Clapping her hands, Jungkook glanced at tae who was looking at everyone.

"Ummm how about we play truth and dare?" Aria suggested.

"We will play that before the movies in the evening, think something else." Somi spoke, the woman hummed.

"How about we have number of sticks, a person hold it between their fist and one by one we need to pull out one one stick, the one who picked the smallest stick needs to tell a funny incident that happened with them or with any of us." Jeong-in spoke, they all found the game extremely fun.

"That's such a great game, we should definitely play this." Lisa spoke, they all nodded agreeing with her, she brought different size of wooden sticks from the kitchen and gave all of them to Jeongin, who turned and held the sticks in his fist making sure no one sees his doing that.

"Ok, ready. Jungkook pick the first one." Jeong-in spoke looking at jungkook who was have his lips curled down cause ahem he didn't get to sit with tae. Humming at his father he pulled out a stick that was of normal size, then somi pulled a stick which was again the same, them came tae who thought for a while and chose a normal size too. Next to him over another couch Lisa was sitting, she walked up to her uncle and pulled a stick. She groaned as he was the one who was the first one to lose.

"Ok, so a funny incident. Let me... Tell a funny incident of our group. So we all were in an award show, it was completed and we were getting in our cars to leave for the dorms.

Our car door wasn't locked cause we were waiting for our manager to return back and the lights inside were off too as we didn't want people to capture us with those exhausted expression.

We were chilling and gossiping about other groups and a man entered inside we thought it was our manager, and didn't stopped talking we were actually talking about Jackson Wang's expression when solar sat on jyp lap.

"I was like haahahha did you see his face he was like what the fuck I ain't signed up for this." Others were laughing at that too, but the car fell in dead silence as the male spoke"I fell it." And we all screamed making him jump out and the laughter that broke inside the car was something else." Lisa spoke laughing aloud, Jennie joined in as she remembered the whole thing too. Tae laughed as he remembered the male's expression at the award show.

Once the laughters calm down the game began again, this time it was somi who got the smallest stick as she smiled mischievously.

"Ok so I will tell a childhood memory of Jungkook." She spoke making Jungkook face palm knowing he is getting embrassed infront of tae for the countless times.

"You tae when this boy was around 5 or 6 he used to love collect shells when we used to go to beach. So the same we were at a beach and he asked me 'mom can I collect shells while going around.' I allowed him as it was a good hobby. He waddled around and was collecting the shells." Somi spoke as she glanced at Jungkook who was looking down , tae glanced at the meeting already imagining the cute bunny boy waddling around.

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