Chapter 89 - Ceremony

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Today marked the most important day of my life, though I hoped to spend much more memorable days with my future wife. I was very fortunate to have found in Aiyanna, someone who wanted to share her life with me as much as I wanted to share mine with hers.
Today would be the first day of our forever, and I intended to revel in it as much as I was allowed to.

I stood in sight of all of our guests I had the opportunity to greet individually before they each settled on their seat, waiting for my Aiyanna to make an appearance. In all honesty, I would not have bothered greeting them at all, had it not been for Esme pushing me towards them at each occasion she found necessary. I suspected it to be part of her strategy to keep me distracted so my mind wouldn't listen to the mind of those who had the privilege to see Aiyanna before everyone else.

The distraction had worked for a certain period of time, but then, I quickly began to be eaten away by anxiety and the familiar desperate desire to be with my mate. It seemed as though such a long time had passed since I had last seen her.

I had to convince myself multiple times that soon enough, I would finally be able to see Aiyanna and declare my devotion to the one woman I would ever love.

Finally, the music started.

I stood frozen in emotion in front of the flower-covered archway with Mr Weber behind me, being the one who would officialise our wedding.

My sisters opened the march. Alice and Rosalie walked down the aisle with a small bouquet one after the other, their steps coordinated with Esme's find : a melody called turning page from an artist going by the name Sleeping at last.

My ears listened carefully to Aiyanna's footsteps as she made her way outside and the gasps she let out once discovering Alice's, Esme's and Rosalie's decoration. The three of them had put their all into planning this and I would forever be grateful for it. Thousands of flowers had been arranged inside and outside the house and the humans invited alongside the supernatural creatures at the ceremony could not ignore their exquisite fragrance.

Although Alice's fondness over flowers was the major reason behind her choice to cover every surface of our accommodation with them, her reasons had also been motivated by the presence of Aiyanna's pack members. She had hoped for the orange blossom, fressia, lilac and roses fragrances to distract both our clan and theirs from the other specie's scent. Despite the discomfort felt on the pack's side in the presence of so many vampires, I was extraordinary pleased by the effort they made to come to the wedding.

"This is crazy..." Aiyanna let out in a whisper.

Hearing her very clearly though I could not see her yet, I found myself smiling. If I could have had the irrational fear that she had suddenly changed her mind and would leave me alone standing at the altar, I was now sure that it was Aiyanna coming to me.

Time stopped when my bride and her father appeared behind the standing guests, and stood at the other end of the aisle. As Aiyanna lifted her face and saw all eyes on her, her breathing got stuck in her throat.

When her eyes searched for mine and finally found them, her heart fastened its pace and the utter joy seen on her face made me break into an ecstatic smile that she returned.

Like an angel coming from heaven, Aiyanna made her way to me holding her father's arm tightly. I gaped at her with admiration, not yet understanding the power she had to be more and more mesmerizing each time I would set my eyes on her. I would never be able to get used to her beauty neither would I ever get tired of it.

You are...

"Breathtaking." I whispered to her from a distance, interrupting her thoughts.

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