Chapter 15 - Roots

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The voice that called my name was coming from afar but was at least, close enough for us to hear. It was my mother.

Seeing her here already only made me realize how fast time went by. I didn't realize that it was already 5:30pm. She was in the parking lot that was still visible from where we were seated. She was waving her arms as she called my name once more.

"Sorry, my mom and I need to go somewhere." I told them as I stood up and brushed my butt to get rid of any dirt. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." I told my Forks high comrads before I looked at Leah and the La Push boys. "I don't know when we'll see each other again, but it was great meeting you."

"See you next time." Embry said as he waved his hand.

"Yeah, see you."

I jogged towards the parking lot while my mom went back in the car, waiting for me. The first thing I saw in the car, were the flowers on my seat. I picked them up before sitting down. I stared at my mother who didn't say a word when I went in the car.

"Are you okay ?" I asked her.

She turned her head towards me as if my voice had surprised her. She seemed to be lost in her thoughts. In her own world. She quickly nodded her head, and turned the ignition on before she started driving to our destination.

According to the research I made not so long ago as I thought eargerly about coming here, the Quileute's cemetery was sacred as most of the people who rested there were believed to hold the power of their ancestors. While my mother and I walked around the cemetery in search for my grandfather's grave, I noticed that most graves had two names on it. A man's and a woman's name. It didn't take me long to deduct that most of the deceased were buried with their mate which made me wonder if my grandmother would want to be buried next to her late husband too.

Her mate. Lenno Boyd.

Both my mom and I stood in front of the grave that carried his name. The first thing my mom did was kneel down to put the flowers she bought earlier on the grave. She stayed in that position for a while, her eyes closed. She wasn't crying which could've been explained by the fact that she didn't remember anything from her father except for what our family had told her about him. Even my uncles' memories were slowly fading. The only one who really remembered him, was my grandmother.

My mom finally stood up and opened her eyes again as she did so.

"I'm sorry for coming shamelessly in front of you. For not having enough courage to come to you sooner." she sighed before she grabbed my hand. "I've come to present you my daughter, Aiyanna."

I noticed my mom glancing at me,

"Hi, grandpa."

Now that I was here, I didn't know what to say nor what to feel. I honestly didn't feel anything.

"As I am sure you are watching over us, mother is doing well. So are your children and their children. I hope the same goes for you." Mom continued.

The way she spoke was distant. I couldn't decipher any emotion in her voice. It was probably because everytime our family talked about him it was never with sadness. My grandmother has never cried while talking about her mate. She talked about him as someone she respected and someone we should respect as well.

The ride back home was silent. I had decided to wait for my mom in the car as she stayed to talk. I believed she'd be more comfortable to talk without me around. My assumptions turned out to be right because I waited for her in the car longer than I had expected.

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