Chapter 83 - Battle

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Sam and I let loose a long howl, signaling the beginning of the battle.

Each member ran at full speed through the trees to join me over the Cullen's territory from the southwest side of the field. As expected the newborns came from the north, following the trail I made. Soon, our members came from the Cullens' left side, running straightly towards the newborns on the open field.

Despite our important number, all minds and emotions connected through our link became one. We all shared the same killing lust and desire to tear fresh vampires' heads.

After seeing both our kind and the Cullen's go after them, the newborns did separate into two groups like Jasper had expected. One going after the Cullens and the other, rushing towards us.

Using the skills I worked on during our numerous training sessions, I managed to take my first newborn down. My teeth went around the man's head and before he could use his arms to harm me as his last action, Ricky finished him off. I spat the man's head away, hoping that it wouldn't reconnect with its original body before the Cullen's would start the fire.

Ricky and I quickly separated and found our my way through field, looking for other preys to kill.

A body, I believed was thrown by one of the Cullens, landed on our side like a gift coming from the sky. Leah jubilantly won the race she made with Paul to be the one killing it.

Upon seeing their numbers getting lower, the newborns retreated from our side, trying to go over to the Cullen's one, although their number wasn't any better there either.

Sam, Leah and I proceeded to run after those who tried to flee towards the east, while the others were well occupied with their task at hand.

However, my ears and nose caught something I had been hoping for, making me froze in the middle of the field. Following the signals sent by my senses, my eyes flickered towards the woods where a red curly haired vampire looked at the battle from afar, horrified.


I snarled, almost drooling as I felt my killing lust reaching its paroxism. For long, I had wanted nothing more than a chance to destroy Victoria as she destroyed me. Being so close to satisfying my strongest desire as a wolf fueled me with a rage I've never felt to such extent before.

Her eyes found mine easily, certainly because I was the only still element in the middle of the moving chaos. I didn't know if she recognized me, and didn't care much if she did. Instead, I let my instincts dictate my actions and chased after her.

"Aiyanna !" Sam called for me, but I was already long gone into the woods, following Victoria's frame moving around the trees.

Along with Victoria's footsteps, I could also hear four others at a certain distance behind me. One, I couldn't distinguish yet as I refused to look behind and have Victoria out of my sight, and obviously Edward's whose scent confirmed his presence for me.

"Ricky, leave it to her !" I heard Sam order him as he caught his plan on running after us. "I want none of you out of this field until it's over!"

"She's with the psychic anyway !" Jared added.

"Hey ! I need a little help here !"

"And another one for me !"

"Damn, they really do stink worse than the Cullens."

"Twist his leg, Seth !"

My mind was noisy with the thoughts of my members I wasn't able to shut down because of the short distance. Victoria was leading us to the north ridge of Little Tahoma, up the mountains which wasn't far enough to be disconnected from the pack.

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