Chapter 2 - Friends

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After three classes, I was able to recognize a few faces, although I still confused their names. There was always at least one person at the end of each class who had the courage to come talk to me, and guide me through the crowd of students. Their questions were all quite the same. Where did I come from, how did I like Forks so far and what was my next class. One of them, I believed his name was Eric, asked me if he could touch my braids, which I refused.

I met a girl during my civilisation class, who turned out to also be in my maths class as well. Her name was Jessica. She was quite petite. Her brown hair with blond highlights were flowing down on her shoulders and were held back by a headband. She kindly talked to me during classes and even invited me to eat with her and the rest of her friends at lunch, which was were we were headed now.

She sat down at a table that had already students around it. I recognized Mike and Eric, but haven't been introduced to the three others yet.

"Oh, Aiyanna !" Mike said as he noticed me.

"Hey. For the ones I haven't seen yet, I'm Aiyanna Brown." I introduced myself, as I waved at them after putting my tray on the table.

I sat between Jessica, and another girl with glasses on. Tyler, Lauren and Angela introduced themselves to me.
As the new girl, I did understand that people wanted to get to know me, even though I found this process a little bit awkward, so I let them ask me all the questions they had in mind. I hoped it'd only last for today.

When it seemed that they had all the information they needed, they started talking about how they spent their summer, and what they were expecting for this year. I decided not to take any part in this conversation, since I considered I already talked too much, and continued eating.

In the midst of enjoying my food in silence, I saw them. There, in the farthest corner of the cafeteria, alone in their own world as if they were trapped in an invisible bubble, impenetrable by anyone who wasn't a part of their group. Each of their faces was unique. None of them looked alike. However, what they had in common was their snow-like skin and their beauty that I haven't seen anywhere else. There were five of them.

The one that caught my attention first was the buffest guy. His hair were pitch black which only accentuated how pale his skin was. He surely didn't look like a student of our age. He seemed more mature. He was sitting next to a blond girl who had a resting bitch face on, and yet looked really attractive, even to me. She seemed tall, at least a lot taller than the other brown haired girl sitting next to her. Her shoulders were lower than the blond one's. She looked younger than the rest of them, but still looked as beautiful nonetheless. Beside her, was a dark-blond haired guy who was less buffy than the dark haired one, but looked like he still had muscles hidden under his clothes. The last one, was the guy I sat next to in my first period: Edward.

Although I already went through my little staring contest with him earlier, I still found myself staring at him until my eyes met his. They were barely moving, and yet, he was the only one whose eyes went from staring at nothing, to me. Instead of suddenly avoiding his eyes, I slightly smiled and nodded at him, as a sign of salutation, and then went back to my tray of food that was slowly emptying itself the more I ate. I waited a while, to make sure Edward wasn't staring at me anymore before I looked up again. His eyes were back on his food that he didn't seem to have touched yet. Actually none of them ate.

This was my cue. I leaned closer to Jessica, and whispered to her as if I was scared they might catch what I was saying, even though they were staying far away from our table.

"Who the hell are they ? I didn't know there were more of Edward's kind." I asked her.

"You know Edward ?" she asked in return.

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