Chapter 3 - The Beginning

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Eternity sure was a long time for someone who had nothing to devote himself to. I could've asked myself if others felt the same way, but I already read it through their mind. Having your mate by your side made eternity feel like it wasn't long enough.

In a hundred years of life, I felt as if I reached my limits. I've never wanted to sleep more than I did now, as I was walking to my first period of the year. Counting how many first periods I had to go through reminded me of how miserable my life was reduced to be.

I was the prisoner of my own thoughts. Influenced by boredom and lost deeply into a void that no one would be able to pull me out of. I found myself questioning the real meaning of my life.
Was I reborn to live for others ? To ensure their protection, and to avoid them the pain of loosing a loved one ? Would it be selfish of me to carry the desire to live for myself ?

It was my umpteenth first day of junior year. I had to deal with the scents of hundreds students and their thoughts that I wished I could ignore. Hearing their thoughts was probably worse than seeing them bleed in front of me.
With time, I learned how to block people's minds to avoid being submerged by them. It started with my family. I wanted to give them privacy, although it was hard for me to constantly block their thoughts.

Today, as I walked through my other comrads while making sure not to make any physical contact with them, I couldn't help but notice how most of their thoughts remained around the new girl who was supposed to come today. The news went fast in Forks. Her venue was probably known by everyone even before she had time to move in. The fact that some boys already imagined asking her out just because she threw a glance at them made me let out a sigh of desperation. It was so easy to read their mind, and yet so annoying.

As I walked to my Spanish class, I managed to see the face of Forks High's new student through the thoughts of people who walked in the classroom she was sitting in. Her black hair were braided and were falling loosely on her face as she looked down. The light of the day that shined through the windows she was sitting next to, brought light to her dark skin. Her thin fingers were rummaging through the bag she had put on her thighs.

In an instant, I realized that I wasn't looking at her through thoughts anymore. My feet brought me to her. I had stopped right there, beside her.

"May I ?" I made myself be heard.

She looked up at the sound of my voice, and my eyes finally met her bright ones. Her plump lips were parted, as she stopped herself from answering immediately. Her body froze while her eyes stared at mine with pure curiosity.

I would've begged mom and dad to move in sooner if I had known there were such creatures hidden in this town

Her thoughts were clear to me. I got used to these kind of comments, so I wasn't surprised nor embarassed. But this time, I felt different when I realized that she liked my appearance. A certain boost of confidence almost made the corners of my lips lift upwards, had I not forced myself to keep a stern expression on my face.

As she was taking quite a while to answer me, I pulled out the chair next to her.

"Oh, sorry. The seat is not occupied." She finally answered.

Her voice was probably the most attractive I had ever heard. I restrained my desire to speak to her again just to be able to hear that voice. Her calm voice was slighty hoarse and lower than the ones I was used to hear everyday. It wasn't the kind of voice I would've expected from her. And yet, it was probably one of her most seductive traits.

More than her voice, her scent got to me. Although I could catch the glimpse of fressia, roses and a nectar of blackcurrant from her perfume, her own scent reminded me of nature. The nature I often went deep into to find my own peace.

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