Chapter 4 - Friends

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The second week was quite calm. Most of the people I talked to were the ones who talked to me on my first day. Thankfully, I got less attention from my other comrads, as they got used to seeing me. It made me less uncomfortable, which led to me, being more talkative.

I guessed I wasn't the only one getting comfortable, when I noticed Mike being more confident around me. He was always trying to have a conversation with me and trying to get my attention. I dreaded the day he'd ask me out and I'd have to decline. It'd be awkward for me and for him. I did appreciate him as a friend, though. But that was it. I would've been glad if I misunderstood his intentions but he made it so obvious.

As the week went by, I noted that more Cullens were in my class. I heard that Jasper was a year older than Alice and Edward, but was in junior year too. He failed a year, which led him to be in my history class. I couldn't help but throw him a few glances, and notice how he seemed uncomfortable. He looked as if he couldn't move, almost as if he wasn't even breathing. I didn't sit next to him but sitting from another row from his allowed me to observe him.

I, later, found out that Edward and I shared our French class. As it was an option that I chose amongst the others, the amount of students was restrained which, I guess, was better for M.Dubois who could focus better on each students.

As it was a language class, the teacher liked forming partners that would change at each lesson to exchange while using what we learnt. My first partner had been Angela. She had dark straight hair while her eyes looked at me through glasses that suit her well. She was shy at first, just like I was on the first day, but with time, since we always ate together and had different classes in common, she became accustomed to me. She was definitely one of the first that I considered as a friend among all the people I've talked to so far.

Today, my partner was Edward Cullen. Contrarily to the first time we were sitting next to each other, I refused to be amazed by his visuals and focused on the task at hand. I already met really good looking people at school, although their handsomeness was nowhere near the Cullen's, but with time I got used to their faces and wasn't fascinated by how good looking they were. So, I was just waiting to get used to the Cullen's faces. I couldn't just stay in awe everytime I saw them.

I noticed that no one talked to the Cullens at school, which made me feel bad for them. I was told that the people who had tried talking to them never managed to build a long friendship with them. The Cullens didn't seem that interested in mingling in with the others, they said. Edward and I haven't had a conversation yet. Not since the first day when he asked me if he could sit beside me, which I didn't count as a conversation. Today would be the first, I hoped.

Luckily for me, today's lesson was on a subject that I already learned last year. While I was confidently talking to Edward in French, he seemed to know more than me. When I struggled to find a word, he would effortlessly tell me the answer.

"You lived in France ?" I asked him when a silence took place between us, when we figured out that both of us mastered today's lesson.

"I did travel there a few times." Edward answered.

"And you're that good at it ? How did you do ?"

"I affectionate reading books from french authors. Moreover, taking the time to watch french movies helped me get used to their accents, to the point where I can imitate it."

I nodded. "I tried watching French movies but I wasn't satisfied with the acting to even try studying through them."

"You should. They have interesting ones. Is there any genres you prefer ?" He asked me, which led to us talking for the rest of the hour.

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