Chapter 31 - Port Angeles (3)

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"I never went camping." I admitted. Her face expressions showed no surprise. "I avoid being seen in the sun."

"So you get burned by the sun ?" she deduced.


"Sleeping in coffins ?"

"Myth. I can't sleep." I answered more fully.


Oh ? That was all she had to say ? I examined her reactions, and she showed nothing.

"You haven't asked me the most important question yet." I provoked her.

She didn't realize yet, it was the only way. Or else, I wouldn't be able to find an excuse to her lack of reaction. Her lack of fear and disgust.

"Oh, that. Well, Jacob said that you didn't...hunt people. He said your family wasn't supposed to be dangerous because you only hunted animals." Bella answered.

I scoffed as I nodded. "The Quileute have a long memory. But don't belittle this. They're right to keep their distance from us. We are still dangerous."

Bella frowned. "I don't understand."

No, she clearly didn't.

"We're usually very good at what we do but sometimes...we make mistakes. Like me, right now, being alone with you."

Although different scents were mixed in the restaurant, Bella's remained the strongest one. I was getting used to it. That was the only reason that explained how I could talk to her without thinking for a minute to hurt her.

Maybe, my sense of protection didn't die down and it probably wouldn't until I'd bring her home, safe and sound. Away from a threat that was less dangerous than her protector.

Or maybe I was just ignoring the venom that was swimming in my mouth and how my body was yelling for her.

"This is a mistake ?" she asked, hurt.

I sighed as I leaned even further into my chair. "A very dangerous one."

If only she knew how she was more in danger with me than with any other human. But as time went by, I was starting to doubt that. I used to be the most dangerous creature to her once. But now ? I wasn't so sure. Until this day, my morals were still fighting with my thirst. It'd only take one second for one side to take over, and that second could cause her death.

"Why do you hunt animals instead of people ?" she asked.

"I don't want to be a monster."

Considering the situation I rescued her from, I wasn't sure she would take well the fact that I could read minds, except for hers, and that her scent almost caused her death because of my poor sense of control on our first encounter. That would be for another conversation. I had no other choice than to tell her the truth. Tell her everything. Lying would be useless.

"How old are you ?" she continued her interrogation.

I didn't think twice before answering, as if it was automatic. And it probably was, as I never aged since I turned into who I was today. "Seventeen."

"And how long have you been seventeen ?"

"A while."

I looked closely at her, and could only see her smile almost enthusiastically. What was going through her mind ? I grimaced.

A Vampire's Love - Edward Cullen (Twilight saga)Where stories live. Discover now