Chapter 41 - An End

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Images of Jasper suddenly on top of me, his golden eyes changing to black and reflecting nothing but hunger in an instant, accompanied by the sound of his jaw closing itself dangerously close to me resurfaced in my mind while washing my face in the shower.

This sound never felt so clear before that moment. If Jasper hadn't been pushed off of me, his teeth would have pierced my skin.

What would have happened if I had been bitten on the spot ? Judging by Carlisle's testimonies, a simple bite was enough for their venom to spread into one's blood system and freeze everything until that person would die as a human and be reborn as a vampire.

As goosebumps got over me despite the hot water, I quickly rinsed off my face to open my eyes again.

Why was I so scared of Jasper when even Victoria or James didn't trigger that feeling to this extent during the hunt ?

As soon as I asked myself this question, I realized the difference between the two situations.

Three months ago, Victoria and James were the enemies contrarily to the Cullen family who were closer to family.

I sighed, trying to stop thinking about this and came out of the shower.

I put on my pajama and changed the band aid that got disgustingly wet before I walked to my bedroom.

When I opened the door, Edward was there, standing in front of my desk that was under one of my windows. I knew he heard me walk in, but he didn't turn around.

How long has he been there ?

"Long enough to hear everything." he suddenly answered, in a low voice, void of any emotion.

I closed the door behind me and walked up to him. I found myself hesitating for a second before I wrapped my arms around his waist. Not because I was scared of him, but because Edward didn't look like he was ready to receive me. His posture, his voice...everything about him made him look distant.

I rested my head against his back and stayed in this position for a while, before I walked around him and sat on the desk he was standing in front of.

I didn't turn on the light when I got in my bedroom, but the light of the moon seemed to be shining directly on Edward's face, allowing me to see every detail of him. He looked empty, which was a sight I had never seen.

It hurt me to see him like this. I knew what he was doing to himself, and I couldn't let him keep doing it.

I grabbed Edward's hand, to bring his focus back on me.

"Don't. Whatever you're blaming yourself for, please don't." I pleaded him.

"You could've gotten killed. Again."

"It didn't happen."

"You're left with trauma."

"It'll pass." I brushed it off with my hand.

"Stop acting like nothing happenned !" Edward snapped.

Anger. The first emotion. It was not what I was aiming for but at least it was something.

"I am not. All I'm saying is that you are not the ones to blame. I should have been more careful. I should've stayed still, that's it." I sighed.

Edward's anger didn't seem to calm down. Instead, it grew bigger.

"Excuse me ? If you had hurt yourself around Jessica, Angela, Mike and Eric and all of your normal friends, what could have happened ? The worst that could have happened would be for them to be out of band aids. None of them, would have had to fight against the urge to hurt you even more. Don't put the blame on yourself, Aiyanna. The disgust I feel for what I am only grows bigger." Edward said, without even breathing in between the words he spat.

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