Chapter 9 - Birthday (3)

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Why didn't he say anything ? Why did Edward suddenly freeze like that ?

His eyes weren't looking at mine anymore. He was staring into the void, as if he was lost in his thoughts. If he used to be leaning towards me a few seconds ago, his back was now, pressed against the back of his chair. It made me wonder if I said something wrong, or if my story was so boring that he just zoned out. He didn't move an inch, and could easily be mistaken as a broken toy. He didn't even seem to be breathing.

"Edward ?" I called his name, as I touched his hard shoulder with my finger. "Are you okay ?"

His eyes looked so suddenly at the finger that touched him, that I started regretting my action. Was he sensitive when people touched him ?

"Sorry." I said, almost in a whisper. "Are you okay ?" I asked him again, unable to hide my worry. "Say something."

"Keep going. You said you're a Quileute." he finally spoke again, which still reassure me, but I still obeyed.

"Yeah. My grandmother used to live in La Push, which is not that far from here I think. She left with my mom and my uncles after my grandfather died."

My grandmother was very sensible. My mom was little when they moved out, but she told me that when her dad was still alive, her mom was more lively, and always smiled. But after his death and until today, she looked like she lived in constant fear.

I remember when my mom announced that we were moving in Forks, which was a 15 minutes drive to La Push, my grandmother's face became so pale that she worried me. She was against it. It was as if, the state of Washington was a place she didn't want to remember. Of course, it caused a fight between them.

My grandmother was very superstitious. She had told me a lot about Quileute legends. About how our people came from wolves and that we had to protect them as they protected us. She even told me that my grandfather could turn into a wolf. A werewolf.

While I accepted that we had to protect wolves as they were important to our people, I couldn't believe that last part. That werewolves existed. If werewolves truly existed, then what else could there be on this earth ? It was ridiculous, and yet I never said that out loud as I knew how she believed in those legends. My uncles and even my mom didn't believe in them either. They were what they were: legends.

"You have family in La Push ?" Edward asked me, still tensed.

" I'm not sure. We avoid talking about La Push at home, for the sake of my grandma."

Edward slowly nodded. I looked at him closely, trying to figure out if he was okay now. He fell silent again. I didn't try to break the silence, and ate my apple.

Going to La Push was part of my plans ever since we moved in. My grandfather was probably buried there, but I didn't remember my mom saying that she'd visit him. Well, I wanted to. All I was waiting for was my car, so I could drive myself there.

"I'm sorry." Edward finally talked.

Edward's eyes didn't meet mine. He was still staring at the table. He was worrying me. Did I say something wrong ? I was dying to ask him what the hell he was talking about but the chances of him not telling me were higher than the contrary.

"It's okay." I said, in a more upbeat tone to lighten up the conversation. "It's time for next period." I told him as I saw that we had two minutes left for lunch. "I'm not seeing you until next week, you think you'll survive without me ?"

A Vampire's Love - Edward Cullen (Twilight saga)Where stories live. Discover now