Chapter 56 - Paralyzed

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Heart attack.

More than an assumption, it was the cause of Nana's death. The shock from Victoria's attack was the trigger that ended it all.

She must be happy where she was. She lived her life with ups and downs but at least, died as a human.

When I thought about it, Nana was never afraid to die. On the contrary, it was probably an awaited moment for her as it allowed her to rest beside the one she missed the most.

I watched her casket go deeper into the hole they dug in the soil, beside the plate where my grandfather's name was engraved. My senses were all focused on what was happening in front of me, as I refused to see the chaos all around me.

My family had come to La Push to assist the funeral. My uncles, their wives and their children alongside my parents, were all crying, some more silently than others, while all I could do was stand there with dry eyes as if I was made of marble.

The members of the Council and some elders from La Push came as well and the pack was also there, all in human form.

I had been out of duty and out of school for the past few days, walking around aimlessly and sitting or laying down on the floors of my house without counting time.

Since that moment Sam took me in his arms I didn't pronounce a word or cry. It just wouldn't come out. It was as if, I had stopped functioning, as if at some point I turned off a button that turned me into a robot.

Was it how people reacted when they were grieving someone ? Nonesense, I could clearly see around me that it was the complete contrary. I was just the only one who didn't seem to know how to handle it.

I looked at my right where my father was soothing my mother who seemed to be pouring both her tears and the ones I should be shedding. She had been shaken with tears since she found out. For someone who was confronted to death on a daily basis, I thought she'd have some kind of pattern to keep it together. Turned out that she just distanced herself from her feelings to keep her sane. However, once it involved someone she gave this much importance to in her life, whatever barrier she'd create in herself would just break down.

Once the casket was settled, they started covering it with the same dirt they took out to dig the grave.

When I heard the first sounds of the dirt falling on top of the casket, I was suddenly taken by a cold shiver that made me gasp and bring my arms around myself.

In the corner of my eyes I could see the heads who were the closest to me turn in my direction, but I couldn't resolve myself to look elsewhere than in front of me.

The man who was in charge of the funerals in La Push as well as another elder kept on putting back the dirt where it originally was.

I unconsciously took a step forward but as I did, I suddenly felt weak, and found myself being supported by what seemed to be Sam. I could only recognize his form which was bigger than anyone else in the pack.

"Wa..." was my first attempt to speak for days, but it was as if my throat was tightening itself.

"What is it, Aiyanna ?" Sam asked me.

So this was it ? This was how it ended ?

If they filled that hole, would it mean that this was going be to end ?

Even when there was so much that I wanted to tell her. So much I failed to give her.

Gratefulness. Love. Happiness. Reassurance


I watched the two men fill their shovel with soil again and drop it inside the hole.

I looked down eyes closed and started shaking my head to erase these images from my mind and possibly the excruciating pain that was starting to surface in my chest.

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