Chapter 76 - Theories

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I bursted into a laugh I didn't know I had in me. I didn't know what was getting through me but maybe it was best for me to laugh it off. Otherwise, I would have probably been ruled by the bitter emotions hidden behind my laugh, and would have ended up hurting physically what I was made to protect : a human.

A vampire. As if having to deal with an army of new ones wasn't enough, Bella wanted to be turned into one. And the worst of it all, was that she wanted Edward to do it, as if she had forgotten how her blood was his biggest struggle.

Was she so eager to have him touch her during her last moments as a human, that she was willing to risk her life ?

After a few seconds, or maybe minutes, laughing, I managed to calm myself and found Bella's eyes again.

"You're not going to turn into one of them, neither will he change you." I said in a monotonous voice.

Bella tried to stand, but Alice prevented her from moving. Her face expressions hardened as she glared at me.

"It is my decision. If I don't get changed, I could be a collateral damage and be killed by Victoria."

"Even if Victoria is still alive, I'm watching her. If she ever tries anything I will see it." Alice tried to reassure her.

"Until when Alice ? Until when is this going to go on ? Shouldn't we lessen her chances to get to me ?"

"Bella." Carlisle called her, lowering the tension by his soft voice. "I understand that your fear has motivated you to make such decisions and we are truly sorry for failing to ensure your safety in the past. However, we won't change anyone if it is not necessary. I can't allow it. We will stay on our guards until we get Victoria to stop this revenge." Carlisle said his last words on the matter.

Instead of being reassured, Bella was still alert, seeking for help from the Cullen family. Searching for someone to be on her side.

Quickly, I understood that her fear wasn't the only reason why she took that decision. She wanted to be changed into one of them.

Did she actually realize what it involved ? None of them chose to be vampires. They had to be at the bridge of death to be transformed, and here she was, claiming she wanted to be like them.

"Edward ?" Bella called him.

"I follow Carlisle's decision. Besides, you're in more danger with me than with any of us. I can't change you."

"You sucked the venom once, I trust you." she insisted.

As soon as I parted my lips to retort, Emmett's hand covered my mouth, preventing me to do so. His scent made me cough against his hand, in an attempt to prevent it from going down my throat and burn my insides.

Emmett took his hand off my face, making sure to wipe his hand on my arm with his most disgusted face expression.

"You disgusting little..."

"Who sent you ?" I cut him off. "No one told you to interfere."

"Bella, do you mind if we discuss in my office ?" I heard Carlisle suggest, when I brought my attention back to what we were gathered here for.

Bella nodded, standing up and walking in front of Carlisle, as he invited her to take the stairs.

As soon as Bella was out of sight, I wriggled my shoulder, pressing Emmett to push his arm off of them.

A Vampire's Love - Edward Cullen (Twilight saga)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang