Chapter 52 - Born to kill

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"Missing hikers : Armed rangers and hunters are calling for volunteers for the wolf hunt." said the title of the local journal my mom put on the table, right in front of my bowl of cereal.

In the past two weeks, Forks had been animated by news of hikers going missing.

At first, it was two tourists that had gone missing off a trail outside crescent lake.

Then another man whose camp was found with all of his belongings but no traces of him around.

It was always the same scheme. It was always around a secluded area, with traces of blood and us being too late.

The authorities talked about bears first. The traces we left behind to investigate on our own and catch the scent of the culprit made them all believe that the disappearings happened because of bears, although our tracks didn't match with bears ones.

What made them change their beliefs, was the last attack, close to the resort by hot springs that happened 2 days ago.

The wife of the victim that disappeared had looked for him in the direction where he had gone, but a few minutes into her research, she saw Ricky's grey wolf who had been first on site as he was the fastest of us, making the woman run for help.

"Don't you think it is best for you guys to stay out of the woods while the hunt keeps on going ?" Mom asked.

I shook my head no. "No need."

I looked up at her and saw her eyebrows crease into a frown.

" They're setting traps, offering rewards and guns Aiyanna, and there's nothing I can do to prevent it."

"You don't have to. They won't catch us. They're just making it difficult for us to run around." I sighed.

"I don't like when you speak like that..."

"Because she knows what she's doing." Nana intervened as she walked in the kitchen and put her hand on my shoulder while standing behind me.

"Mama, please. Don't take her side."

"Mom, we are ready. We have been training restlessly for this and yet we still can't catch anything. Believe me, the last thing the boys and I care about is those stupid traps they're putting everywhere. We already took care of some of them, might I add."

My mother's eyes stared at my face for a while, as if she was discovering it for the first time. "You've changed so much. You're a completely different person." She said, probably more to herself than to me. "Is there really nothing I can do ?" she insisted.

"I think the only thing we can do is put our trust in her, am I right ?" Nana answered.

I looked up at her and nodded. "We'll put an end to this."

I had repeated these last words to encourage the boys who were growing irritated by the fact that we haven't been able to grab that vampire.

It was one of them, for sure. The disgusting scent that almost burned my senses couldn't make me believe otherwise.

It couldn't be someone I knew. They were vegetarian and said they'd never come back so they were excluded from my list of suspects.

And the only other vampires I came accross were Victoria, James and Laurent, and one of them was already dead.

Laurent hadn't participated in the hunt knowing that he was at a disadvantage, and accepted to join the Denali coven, another vegetarian clan in Alaska. Since then, he might have changed his diet so he also, was partially excluded from my list.

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