Chapter 16 - Answers

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The cold ones.

Hard like stones.

Cold like ice.

Red eyes.

Skin that shines under the sun.



I brought my hands to cover my face. I felt so wrong to associate Edward to the cold ones. More than Edward, it was the whole Cullen family I was associating with the cold ones, since they had more than one similarity.

The Cullens don't come to La Push.

I remembered Sam's words at the beach when Lauren had the nerve to ask about them, trying to make me uncomfortable. I remembered how hostile he and the others looked when the Cullens were mentionned. As if they held a grudge against them.

I couldn't associate the Cullens to legends. Then I would have to admit that shapeshifters, which were werewolves if I really thought about it, were as real as my grandmother claimed them to be.

But it was impossible.

The more doubts I had, and the more I felt ashamed yet scared.

It was 4am and my mind was all over the place. I didn't even think that I was actually awake right now because of how insane I sounded in my own head.

I laid down again and closed my eyes, trying to sleep and forget all these thoughts.


The next day, it was useless to say that I was on edge. Not only didn't I have enough sleep, but I also stressed out in the morning thinking about how I'd face the Cullens if I still had my doubts in mind. However, I remembered that Edward had told me that their family was going camping and would only come back on Wednesday.

The only good thing today, was that I woke up with the sun shining upon Forks.

Under the sun, their skin shined as if they were made of diamonds. The legends had said.

I sighed loudly in class, as these memories came back again. Jessica, who was sitting beside me during our math class looked at me.

"I know. It'll be over soon." she said, referring to our class.

"Do the Cullens go camping often ?" I suddenly asked her.

She frowned, surprised by my sudden question. "Yeah, well every time the sun's out, they go camping." she answered.

I nodded silently and went back to my messed up thoughts. Did they really like camping that much ? Or was it a way to hide themselves ?

The more hours passed and the stronger my doubts became. Last night I felt ashamed for associating them to the cold ones, but everything except for the red eyes was accurate. I couldn't stay like that, trying to put all the pieces together when I knew almost nothing.

I didn't want to call my grandmother for that especially since she was already unhappy that we moved in Forks, so close to her previous home. I would only make her worry.

That was why, I decided to go to Port Angeles after school, hoping I'd find Sam there. He was the closest person I knew, who knew about the legends and could tell me more about them.

When I walked in the library, like the last time I went there, there weren't a lot of people and Sam was at the counter behind the computer. He looked up when he heard the door open, and frowned at the sight of my expression. An urgent one.

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