Chapter 45 - Almost normal

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I had no recollection of me walking back to my bedroom, changing into my pyjama and going under my covers before falling asleep, but when I opened my eyes, I was changed and laying on my bed.

I was a little disoriented at first, as I was not used to the new setting of my bedroom yet.

I let out a little yelp as I stretched my body in all positions possible. While doing so, I glimpsed the hour shown on my alarm clock and was surprised and disappointed that it was only 9am.

After days of being outside in a form that was new to me but also consuming my energy, and after every thing that happened after, this was the only amount of sleep I was able to get ? The last time I slept on my bed was on my birthday. How could I wake this early ? I wasn't even going to school today.

I sighed loudly, almost wanting to cry, and rolled down my bed until my feet touched the floor. I walked straight to the bathroom and did my usual human business before I went downstairs.

Nana was already up, apparently preparing a buffet judging by the amount of food on the table. Eggs, bread, pastries and fruits were on the table.

"You're finally up." She said, as she juiced the oranges.

I kissed her cheek before I sat on one of the chairs around the kitchen table.

"I didn't sleep much. At what hour did we come back home last night ?"

She laughed. "You mean two nights ago ? You slept a whole day, Aiyanna."

Two days ago ? I was surprised and relieved at the same time. At least that meant I slept enough.

Nana put not a glass but a bowl of orange juice in front of me, and smiled. "Eat."

"All of this ?" I asked, pointing at the table.

"All of it."

I arched my eyebrow, not confident. "This is a lot though."

"Turning requires a lot of energy. Eating will replenish you. Now, eat."

As if to confirm what she was saying, my stomach started grumbling. When I thought about it, I hadn't eaten anything since...since the day he left which was now 5 days ago.

Only 5 days.

And yet, it felt like this time was long behind me. Everything happened at once and so quickly that I kind of lost track of time.

In 5 days, I changed physically, but the time had been too short for me to see changes emotionally. I knew I had to go back to my old situation, with these changes knowing that I was the only thing that changed during that time. Once I'd go back to school and socialise with human...normal people again, I'd be brought back to that time where everything felt right. I would have to face it. I would have to leave this period of my life where everything moved so quickly to go back to where everything moved at a steady pace.

"The food is not going to get hotter the more you look at it, you know." Nana commented.

I looked up at Nana, suddenly coming out of my train of thoughts.

"Thank you for the food." I said, picking up my fork to poke what was going to be my first bite.

I thought I wouldn't be able to eat everything on the table. To be honest, I believed it was impossible to finish all at once. However, once I started eating, it was impossible for me to stop. I was eating as if I had been starving for weeks. It was only me, my fork and the food. Nothing else mattered.

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