Chapter 37 - Blood

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After ending the conversation with Aiyanna's mother, she gave me her card with her phone number on it, to inform her once we'd kill both James and Victoria.

I joined Carlisle, Emmett and Rosalie behind the hospital.

"Alice saw a second room, and Bella recognized it as her mother's house. Alice doesn't think that the tracker knows that Bella is in Phoenix, but she doesn't like the fact that he is so close to where they are hiding. She can't see him well enough, as he is too slippery. We have to find her mother while she brings Bella somewhere safer." Carlisle repeated the information Alice had given him.

"The next flight to Phoenix leaves Seattle at six-forty." Emmett added. "We'll need to cover up there."

"We'll leave Esme and Rosalie here again. The redhead won't come near Aiyanna or Charlie with so many people around them. We'll keep the same groups. Emmett, Carlisle and I will take Bella somewhere far away, somewhere randow, until we can figure out the next step. Once we find Alice and Jasper, they will go after Bella's mother." I said.

"Alice will be at the airport when we land." Carlisle informed me.

I nodded as I sprinted to Seattle.


The closer the plane got to Phoenix, and the more urgent the situation became. I needed to end this soon. I couldn't bear the thought of being away from Aiyanna much longer, especially now that she had been in more danger than ever. I wanted to see her face, and be by her side as she would open her eyes again. I refused to believe that I wouldn't be able to see her brown eyes stare at mine again. How she'd wiggle her eyebrows as she would sense my lies. How she would curl her lips upwards after seeing me appear on her bed after climbing up her window, at night.

I refused.

Carlisle could feel my agitation in my absolute stillness, and he nudged my elbow lightly to remind me to move.

The sun was peaking through our row's window which gave me no choice but to hide my hands while folding my arms. I purposely shut down my window to keep my face in the shadow, as it was the only thing I couldn't hide.

We were fortunate to land at the north gate. It would be easier for us to move fast.

As we got off the plane, I searched for Alice's or Jasper's thoughts. If they were waiting for us, then, they'd be with the other families, waiting to greet passengers. As I was familiar with their thoughts, I knew I would be able to hear them anywhere.

However, the chaos and agony in Alice's mind hit me. Then, the images in her memories helped me understand what was wrong.

Bella walking away with Jasper. Then Jasper rushing back to Alice, agitated...without Bella.

Alice didn't wait for Jasper to come to her. She had followed his scent to where he waited outside a women's restroom, face clouded with concern.

Bella had vanished.

Then the next images in Alice's mind was the vision she had before we came.

She could see Bella in a taxi, speeding along a freeway through brilliant sunlight. Bella's eyes were closed, knowing and dreading what would happen.

The tracker, waiting.

Then blood.

So much blood.

"Why didn't you go after her ?" I asked her.

"If only the two us had gone after her, she'd die."

A Vampire's Love - Edward Cullen (Twilight saga)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora