Chapter 59 - Humanity

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"Do not move." I mumbled to both Jasper and Emmett who thankfully complied to my order.

Was there a flaw in my gift ?


I remembered hearing her and the pack she was apart of, on the beach. I could still hear Emmett's excitement at the thought of finally being able to hold a proper physical fight with Aiyanna and I could clearly hear Jasper's analysis as he interpreted each changes in the emotions emanating from her.

I could still hear thoughts. But not hers.

She was right in front of me and yet, absent at the same time. I didn't know enough about her kind to put a word on what was going on.

It was as if I was staring at a regular wolf.

I couldn't think of doing anything. All I could do was stand still, and wait until she'd move.

Not once had she looked elsewhere, which unconsciously became the hope I was holding onto. The hope that Aiyanna was still there, inside, and recognized me.

The wolf moved again, and everything inside of me wanted to meet her and shorten the time it'd take to be at a closer distance. However, I remained still.

The closer we were and the more I could feel as if I was being put back together. All the missing pieces that I once felt departing from me were filling me with a new source of energy.

The wolf stopped approaching once its nose was only a few centimeters away from my chest.

Talk to her. She likes your voice - Jasper thought.

I never thought I would ever need anyone to be the messenger between Aiyanna and I. She used to talk to me directly through her thoughts and I would immediately answer. I liked the intimacy we once had. Having Jasper talk for her felt as if there was an intruder between us. However, no matter how odd it felt, Jasper was the only one who could read through her at the moment.

As if she heard him, Aiyanna's ears straightened up.

"I don't know if you can really hear me and understand what I am about to say, but I am happy that you are alive. I hope you have been well during my absence."

I didn't expect this kind of encounter where I couldn't hear her. Where I would have no idea if she could hear me or not. I felt as if I was swimming in the dark.

"I owe you so much than an apology, but I want you to know that I have not spent one day without feeling sorry for the pain I have caused you." I continued. "I feel sick, sick to my core when I think of the fact that I have gone too far for you to be safe even when I try to keep you away from the danger I represent to you."

I left, thinking that I was protecting her. I needed her to have a chance at a happy and normal life without me interfering with that. Leaving her had been the hardest thing I had done in a hundred years.

I had broken the eye contact between us when I lowered my head in shame, which caused her to tap one of her paw against the ground with such force, that it made me look up at once, as if she had pushed the air upwards to lift my head.

I felt unable to look away. Her gaze was not allowing me to, and I felt as if I had not choice but to comply.

This was so much like her. I remembered the times when she would put her fingers under my chin and force me to look up at her when I dared to look away especially in situations where I felt shameful.

This simple action from her only confirmed my thought : whatever shape she came in, it was the Aiyanna I once fell in love with. She was still there, even if I couldn't hear her.

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