Chapter 34 - The Hunt

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When Edward had dropped Bella to her house, Alice and Emmett had gone out as well to keep a watch on her house while she'd do her show in front of her father.

Edward and I were left in the Jeep, me still in the backseat. I was only understanding what was happening once he parked in front of my house. We'd be apart for who knew how long, both of us anxiously thinking of the other's safety. But no matter how hard it'd be for me, there was a bigger bond that kept me grounded here. My parents were everything to me. And for them, I had to stay, whether it meant putting myself in great danger or not.

Edward turned around, and reached out to grab my hand. I undid my seatbelt and moved to the middle seat to approach him. I put my hand in his and je made my hand rest against his cheek while he closed his eyes.

"Aiyanna." he murmured.

His voice was back to his calm one. He frowned as he said my name. As if he was suffering.

"I am." he answered to my indirect thoughts. "Please, do not have such thoughts. How do you expect me to let you go when you think so little of your own safety ? Why are you doing this to me ?"

"Just as much as you want to protect me, there's a family I need to protect too. I probably won't be able to do much, but I'd never forgive myself if anything happened and I left them behind to save myself."

Edward opened his eyes. "If anything happens to you..."

"Trust me." I pleaded him as I put my other hand on the other side of his face. "Trust me on this. I'll be okay. And even if something happens, I'll be the only responsible."

Edward sighed again and closed his eyes. I knew a war was probably happening inside his mind right now. But this plan was the only one any of us could think of.

I love you, Edward. Whatever happens, I'll always love you.

"You are my life, Aiyanna." He answered to my thought.

These words were the same ones he had said after I had told him for the first time that I loved him. Back then and now, I undestood the depth of his words.

His love was as eternal as his life.

I leaned in and put my lips on his. I hated how this looked like a goodbye. But it wasn't. He would come back to me. And after all this would be over, he'd have someone to come back to. I believed this.

"Go, before I change my mind." Edward murmured.

I nodded and left Edward in the Jeep, while I walked straightly inside.

My dad wasn't supposed to come home tonight, so again, it was just my mother and I.

I'd have to face her and tell her the truth. There were bigger things to be scared of and yet, I dreaded what would happen tonight.

"Oh ! You came back early." she noticed as her eyes went from the clock on the living room's wall to me. "What's wrong, Aiyanna ?" she asked, once she noticed my face expression.

"We need to talk."


"Vampires Aiyanna ! You got involved with freaking vampires ?!"

I sighed, listening to my mother vent. She was pacing in the living room while I was sitting on the couch she was previously sitting on.

"I knew there was something about them. I should've listened to myself. How could I have....urgh !"

A Vampire's Love - Edward Cullen (Twilight saga)Where stories live. Discover now