Chapter 17 - Confrontation

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I was walking behind Edward, fighting with my own thoughts. I needed answers to my questions, and yet I didn't know how to bring the topic to the table.

And why did he keep on walking ? We were far enough for people not to hear us, why go that far ? I could see the gym in front of us. If he wanted to walk past the gymnasium and bring me into the woods, that would be a big no for me.

As if he had heard my thoughts, Edward finally stopped his steps once we reached the gym.

"You know." he said, calmly.

"Know what ?" I asked, playing dumb. I wanted him to say it. It was the only way to clear my doubts.

Edward turned around and faced me. This time, I tried to keep the eye contact but as soon as our eyes met, I decided to look at the ground. His eyes were golden yellow. Not red. I didn't know why this reassured me. What was the difference ?

"About our kind."

At Edward's words, I felt my heart clench like I was being stabbed. I couldn't deny that deep down, there was a small part of me that kept telling myself that it was impossible. That he couldn't be a vampire. That he was human, like me.

My disbelief made me bring my hands to my face. I couldn't believe this was actually true. I sighed, while I tried to control my breathing.

"How old are you ?"

The cold ones don't age. These were Sam's words. If they were the ones who met our ancestors years ago, how old were they ?

"17." Edward answered.

His voice seemed closer than before. As I brought my hands down, I realized that he indeed was closer than before but still far enough for me not be able to touch him. Hearing his voice near me made my skin crawl.

"Since when ?" I asked.

A silence got in between us, but I couldn't see his expression. Or should I say, I didn't let him see mine.

"Since 1918."

Dumbfounded, I scoffed with my head down, still refusing to meet his eyes.

"You really had me fooled the whole time." I sighed.

Contrarily to what I had expected I was more dumbfounded than scared. But I still couldn't meet his eyes, because I feared that my feelings for him would get the best of me.

Vampires. Freaking vampires.

My mother had warned me. She sensed that something was wrong with them but I decided to ignore her because of the affection I had for this family. I couldn't believe I had to deal with this situation right now. Not once in my 17 years of life had I believed that vampires truly existed. If that was the case then anything could be possible, right ?

I wanted to punch myself for being so dumb. For not believing in myself and my mom while I still had time to. Now I felt trapped because of my feelings for a vampire. I pinched the bridge of my nose, sighing repetitively.

"We couldn't tell you. The truth about our kind is a secret that needs to be kept." Edward justified himself.

"Then why didn't you stop me ? Why didn't you stop me from getting closer to you ?" I asked, finally daring to look up at him as I felt anger rise in me.

"I warned you, Aiyanna. But you made yourself clear that trying to run away from you would be useless until I had a good enough reason to do so."

A Vampire's Love - Edward Cullen (Twilight saga)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora