Paired up

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Emily : listen up guys it's time to get the team ready for regionals so we want you guys to pick the two dancers who you think will have the best chemistry together and then the two dancers with the most votes will get the duet
Michelle : so take some time to think about it
Noah TH : I think this will be good , Jacquie and I definitely have a lot of chemistry
Henry TH : I hope me and Amy get paired up
Finn TH : I really hope the rest of the team see the chemistry me and piper have even if piper won't see it
Richelle TH : please don't get paired with ozzy , please don't get paired with ozzy
Jacquie TH : I have a good feeling that everyone will pick me and Noah
Kingston TH : it would be cool to dance with summer
Kenzie TH : I would love to do a duet for regionals but I definitely don't have any chemistry with anyone
(In the locker room)
Amy : so who do you think will get the duet ?
Piper : I think it will be Noah and Jacquie I mean you can see the chemistry
Finn : yeah for sure
Finn TH : Noah and jacque definitely deserve the duet
Noah TH : it's gonna be a tough decision but I think me and Jacquie have got this
(Back in studio A)
Michelle : ok guys it's time to put the two dancers in the hat
(Everyone puts their vote in)
Emily : ok guys our regionals duet will be , Jacquie
(Jacquie smiles , Noah looks at her and smiles)
Noah TH : I can't wait to hear my name called
Michelle : and Richelle
(Richelle looks shocked)
(Everyone looks confused but claps)
Jacquie TH : Richelle ?
Richelle TH : Jacquie ?
Noah TH : I'm so confused Richelle , I mean Richelle , Richelle and Jacquie , I don't think that's gonna go too well
Piper TH : I didn't expect that
Emily : congrats Richelle and Jacquie
(Richelle looks at Jacquie and half smiles)
(Jacquie looks at Richelle awkwardly)
Finn TH : I am shocked
(In locker room)
Henry : well that was a shock
Noah : yeah definitely
Henry : I'm sure you and Jacquie would have been great
Noah : yeah thanks bro
Noah TH : I'm kinda nervous to see how this is going to work out
Closing titles

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