Chapter 35

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When the weekend came around, I still hadn't heard anything from Ava. I really wasn't expecting to, but I couldn't decide if I should try to talk to her yet or not.

I was still staying at Isabel's apartment, and I could tell that she'd been doing everything she could to make up for not telling me about her and Ava's breakup.

It was pretty fucking stupid of her to not tell me, but I also understood where she was coming from. It was obviously a hard thing to bring up, and I knew that once things had started happening between us, she just wasn't thinking about it any more.

We had started to go back to being somewhat normal around each other, but we weren't quite there yet.

When I woke up that Saturday morning, Isabel was laying in bed next to me looking at her phone.

"Morning," she said with a grin as she kissed me.

"Hi," I mumbled as I tried to wake up, "you might regret that kiss with the morning breath I have right now."

"Didn't even notice," she laughed.

"Thank God," I said, "it's bad."

"Oh whatever," Isabel said as she rolled over and put her arm around my waist.

"I think I'm going to try and go talk to Ava today," I blurted out, almost catching myself off guard.

I don't know what made me come to that conclusion all of a sudden, but I had to try.

Isabel leaned back slightly and looked over at me cautiously.

"Do you think she's ready for that?" Isabel asked, "I'm not trying to say you shouldn't or anything, just asking."

"I'm really not sure, but I think I have to at least try," I said.

"Yeah I don't blame you for wanting to do that," Isabel nodded, "when are you going to go over there?"

"I'm not sure yet," I said as I rolled over and put my face into the pillow.

"Someone might have to drag me out of bed first," I continued in a muffled voice, "or just hold my head down on this pillow."

"You know, as much as I'd love to help you out," Isabel said, "I don't think I'm going to be able to do that for you."

She trailed her fingers up and down my back and I let out a deep sigh.

"Hey but I've been thinking," she continued, "I need to apologize to Ava too, but I don't want to just show up unannounced or anything."

I turned my face away from the pillow and propped myself up on my elbow.

"Yeah, I don't really know what to tell you honestly. I don't think there's a great way to do that no matter what," I said.

"Fuck, you're probably right," Isabel said as she laid back.

"Okay, I'm doing it," I groaned, "making myself get up."

I got up on to my hands and knees and leaned over top of Isabel before I got out of bed. She raised an eyebrow at me, questioning what exactly I had in mind.

"Maybe you could text Ava," I said to her, "that way she at least knows you're sorry, but she doesn't have to see you if she doesn't want to."

"That might be best," she nodded.

I leaned down and gave her a slow kiss before I crawled out of bed and got dressed.

"You're a tease," Isabel said as she looked over at me.

"Oh I can't just give you a kiss now?" I asked her sarcastically.

Isabel rolled her eyes at me and smiled as I pulled a jacket on.

"Okay," I sighed, "I'm going to finish getting ready quick and then head out, wish me luck."

"You got this," Isabel said reassuringly.

I nodded at her before walking out of the bedroom and to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and freshened up a little bit, and I was on my way.

I gripped the steering wheel tightly as I made the short drive over to Ava and I's house. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest as I got closer.

The last thing that I expected was for Ava to forgive me today, but I just wanted a chance to talk to her. I wanted to explain what had happened. It didn't make any of this right, but I was hoping it would at least make it a little bit better.

When I pulled up to the house, I saw Ava's car out front.

"Fuck," I said to myself, "okay, here we go."

I parked and walked up to the front door and lightly knocked.

I thought I could hear footsteps approaching on the other side, and a minute later the door swung open and Ava was standing there.

To say she didn't look very happy to see me would've been the understatement of the year. She didn't say anything to me, she just stood there with her arms crossed like she was waiting to get this over with.

"Hi, I um, can I come in?" I stuttered.

"I'm not really sure that I want you to," Ava said, "actually, I know that I don't want you to."

"Yeah I deserve that," I said as I rubbed my face with my hand.

I looked up at Ava and she was watching me expectantly, like she was waiting for me to leave.

"Ava, can you please give me like five minutes?" I asked her, "I just want to explain."

"I'm not sure what else you need to explain Skylar," Ava said, "you were my best friend and you've been fucking my ex behind my back, doesn't that pretty much sum it up?"

"Were?" I said under my breath as I winced.

Ava shrugged and raised her eyebrows at me like it was no big deal that her comment had just ripped my heart out. I guess that's what I got for doing the same thing to her.

"What did you expect?" She asked me.

"I expected it to go a lot differently than this, that's for damn sure," I said, "there's just - there's more to it than what it looks like, please Ava...five minutes."

Her eyes narrowed on me as she considered her answer. It didn't seem like me further explaining things was going to help much, but I needed to at least try.

"Five minutes," Ava finally said as she stepped aside and let me in.


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