Chapter 10

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Isabel and I sat there in awkward silence for a minute, and after the conversation we'd just had, all I wanted to do was get dressed and leave.

"So um," I started, "you think I could you know...get dressed now?"

Isabel looked confused for a second and then quickly got up from the bed.

"Oh! Shit, sorry, yeah go for it," she said.

"Thanks," I grinned.

She walked out of the bedroom and I got up and started to look for my clothes.

I found them strung around the room and quickly grabbed them and got dressed.

When I walked out to the kitchen, Isabel was making breakfast.

"You want something to eat?" She asked me.

"I better get going, thanks though," I said.

"Oh, yeah okay," Isabel responded.

"Hey Skylar?" She continued as I walked towards the door.

"Yeah?" I turned around to face her with my hand resting on the doorknob.

"I didn't fuck up us hanging out again, did I?" She asked, "because I had fun."

I sighed and looked down at the floor while I thought about my answer. I really had been having fun hanging out with Isabel again, but after everything that had happened last night I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to continue.

I know we both said it was just a drunken kiss and it didn't mean anything, but I was still feeling guilty for a number of reasons.

"I don't know to be honest," I said, "I think I just need a day or two. I don't want to mess up any friendships or relationships further than I already have."

"Yeah, I get that," Isabel said with a defeated look on her face, "sorry again about all of this."

"Isabel it's fine, really," I told her, "and it's not like this is all on you, I told you that. I just need a little time is all."

"Okay," she said with a nod, "hopefully talk to you soon then."

I nodded at her as I pulled the door open and walked out.

My head was still pounding as I walked down the hallway outside of Isabel's apartment. I was clearly hungover, but I knew that wasn't the only reason for the pain.

I rubbed my hand over my eyes and kept it there as a shield as I walked outside to the bright morning light. I stopped right at the edge of the parking lot and closed my eyes in frustration. Why had it taken me this long to remember that I didn't have a car here?

"Shit," I muttered to myself.

I fumbled around in my purse and looked for my phone so I could schedule an Uber to come and pick me up.

Before I could even open up the app to get my ride, I heard Isabel's voice behind me.

"Skylar, let me give you a ride, I forgot you didn't have your car here," she said.

I turned around to face her and held up my phone.

"Just getting ready to get an Uber, it's fine," I told her.

"Come on," Isabel said as she motioned me over to her car, "don't be so stubborn."

"Fine," I muttered under my breath.

I walked over and reluctantly got into the passenger seat of her car. She started to drive me back to Greyson and I's house and the silence hung between us.

"Fuck Skylar," Isabel finally said, "I really don't want things to be this awkward."

"Well then maybe - never mind," I said.

"Maybe what?" She asked, "maybe I shouldn't have kept trying to kiss you? Yeah I know."

"No - well yeah but, I don't know Isabel. You know I usually have zero problems with a drunken make out session in someone else's bed but uh...this is a little more complicated than that," I said.

"I know, can't we just forget it happened or something?" She asked.

"Sure seems like that would be the best thing to do," I said, "but easier said than done."

"Yeah...guess so," she agreed.

"Listen I'm not trying to make you feel bad or anything," Isabel continued, "but after Ava and I broke up, I haven't really had many friends to spend time with. That's another reason why I've been so eager to try and hang out again."

"What about the friends from last night?" I asked her.

"They're just a group of people from work, friends might be too strong of a term," she said.

"Oh," I sighed, "Isabel I'm not saying we can never hang out again or anything, I just need to figure a few things out. Between Greyson, and my job...and now this - I don't know, it's a lot."

"I get it," she said quietly.

At this point we were only a couple of blocks away from my house, and we rode the rest of the way in silence. Maybe I was making too big of a deal out of this, but it seemed like it had the potential to fuck a lot of things up if we didn't handle it correctly.

Isabel pulled into the driveway and parked her car.

"I'll talk to you soon, just give me a few days, okay?" I asked Isabel.

She nodded before I shut the door and watched her drive away.

Fuck I don't think that could've gone any worse. I had no idea how to deal with this, it wasn't like it was a common occurrence for me.

Maybe both Greyson and Ava wouldn't think much of the whole situation, but I didn't think I was willing to take that risk until I knew for sure.

I walked into the house and found Greyson sitting on the couch.

"Hey," he said, "glad to see you survived."

He grinned at me and I shook my head as I set my purse down.

"I'm not sure how honestly," I responded.

"I didn't know you were going out with Isabel," he said.

I felt a nervous feeling forming in my stomach as I sat down next to him on the couch.

"Yeah, it was kind of a last minute decision," I told him.

"Got ya, well it seems like you guys had fun even though I thought you were dead for a while there," he said.

"Uhhh yeah, sorry about that," I responded.

"It's fine," he grinned, "I'm just a little jealous I didn't get to come with."

If only you knew, I thought to myself.

"Hey that guy Micah that she was with the other night seemed cool, maybe we could invite them to dinner or something?" Greyson continued.

I tried not to show how uncomfortable I was currently feeling, but it was no easy task.

"Yeah, that would be fun," I responded.

I had a feeling that those few days that I told Isabel I needed were going to go by way too fast.


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