Chapter 28

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When I woke up the next morning, my hope that last night had only been a dream unfortunately hadn't come true.

I reluctantly rolled over and looked at my phone, but there was nothing from Isabel. I couldn't decide if I wanted to talk to her yet or not.

Not being with Isabel would definitely make my situation with Ava easier, but I couldn't deny that I had feelings for the girl.

I also couldn't deny that what she did to me last night fucking hurt like hell. Maybe I hadn't been clear enough to her about how I felt, but it still just didn't make sense to me.

I eventually forced myself out of bed and into the kitchen to make coffee. I knew that my puffy eyes looked like hell, and all that I wanted was some caffeine.

"Morning sunshine," Ava said from the living room when I walked out.

"Morning," I grumbled.

"Uh no offense Skylar," Ava said, "but you don't look great."

"Yeah I know," I responded, "I'm not feeling well."

"Oh, well shit," she said, "you need me to get you anything."

Ava was such a saint, why did she have to be so nice to me?

"I'm good, I think I just need to lay low today," I said, "thanks though."

"Yeah of course, let me know if you do end up needing anything," she responded.

"I will," I said as I tried to hold back a yawn.

I spent the majority of the day either in bed or on the couch, and it really felt like it was what I needed.

Ava was in and out of the house all day, and she knew that I "wasn't feeling well," so she gave me my space. It was nice to pretty much have a day to myself, especially before I had to go back to work tomorrow.


I got ready for work the next morning as a nervous feeling formed in the pit of my stomach. I knew that the location I had to go to today was one that Isabel would also be at.

We hadn't talked at all since Saturday night, but I knew it would eventually have to happen today.

When I got to the location for the day, I walked into the main part of the venue. Naturally Isabel was one of the first people that I saw.

I quickly averted my gaze from her's and tried to focus on something else. Unfortunately, it didn't take very long before she came over to talk to me.

"Hey Skylar," she said quietly as we both continued to work, "can we talk today?"

"I mean we're at work, but I guess so," I said.

"Us being at work hasn't stopped us from doing other things before," Isabel said under her breath.

I stopped flipping through the pile of papers in my hands momentarily and glanced up at her. She had a slight smirk on her face that made heart rate quicken before I looked back down.

Focus, I thought to myself.

"Yeah I um, I need to go get this stuff done," I responded, "maybe we can talk later."

I walked off before Isabel had the chance to respond and I took a deep breath. It was going to be a long day.


I had stayed busy for most of the day, which didn't leave much time for Isabel and I to talk. I finally got somewhat of a break, and I walked over to grab my bottle of water out of the fridge.

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