Chapter 9

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I woke up the next morning and before I even opened my eyes I could tell that I had a raging headache. I put my hands over my face to shield the light that was coming in the window and groaned under my breath.

I finally opened my eyes and squinted as I took in my surroundings. I panicked when I realized that I wasn't in my own room, I panicked even more when I looked down and realized that I was completely naked.

What the fuck was going on?

I sat up slightly and saw a glass of water and Tylenol sitting on the night stand next to me, and I saw my phone lying next to that. I kept the comforter firmly pulled up over my chest as I reached over and took a sip of the water.

I glanced around the room again and that's when the realization finally started to hit me. Holy shit. Isabel and I had kissed last night. Not once, but twice. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

The last thing that I remembered happening was making out with Isabel in this bed, and it went on for a while. I was kind of starting to wish that I hadn't remembered any of this now.

If the last thing that I could recall was us kissing, and I woke up butt ass naked...yeah this was not good. Not fucking good at all.

I took the Tylenol off of the nightstand and took it with another drink of water. I grabbed my phone and saw a number of missed calls and texts from Greyson.

"God damn it," I said to myself.

I must not have told him that I was staying here last night. I was starting to wonder how many relationships and friendships I had completely ruined in the past 24 hours.

I called Greyson back and waited nervously for him to answer. I wasn't sure if he was going to be pissed or if he was just worried.

"Skylar??" He answered in a panicked voice.

"Yeah, hi, I'm so sorry. I stayed at Isabel's and I completely forgot to tell you," I said, "things got a little wild so I crashed here."

"Shit," he said quietly.

"Sorry..." I responded.

"No, you're fine I just didn't know what happened," he said.

"Yeah I should've called or texted, I just got way too drunk to be honest," I admitted.

"It happens," he said.

"Okay well, I'll be home in a little bit," I told him.

"Alright babe, see you soon," he said before hanging up.

Well at least he wasn't mad, not yet at least.

Isabel must have heard me talking and realized that I was awake, because I heard a soft knock on the door shortly after I got off of the phone.

"You alive in there?" She asked.

"Barely," I groaned.

I pulled the comforter further up as she walked in, almost having forgotten that I still didn't have clothes on.

She came and sat down on the bed next to me, with her back resting against the head board. I really wished I would've had the chance to get dressed before we were in this situation.

"Did you take that Tylenol?" Isabel asked me.

"Yeah," I nodded, "thanks for that by the way."

"No problem," she responded.

"How are you this conscious right now?" I asked her as I rubbed my eyes.

"I mean I did tell you I could handle my alcohol better than you," she said to me with a smirk.

"Oh whatever," I rolled my eyes.

"That and I've been up for about an hour already, my Tylenol has had more time to kick in," she continued.

I saw her glance down at my hands that were tightly grasping the comforter up around my chest. I wasn't really sure that I wanted to know the answer to what I was about to ask her, but I had to do it.

"So did we um..." I hesitated and she cut in.

"No," she quickly said with a laugh, "you don't remember anything?"

"I remember that there might have been quite a bit of kissing that was happening," I said, "and that's all I got."

"Well at least you remember that part," she said, "but no, nothing happened after'd remember it if it had."

She gave me a quick wink and I covered my face with my hands.

"Isabel..." I mumbled.

"I know, sorry. I know this isn't good," she responded.

"And why the hell am I naked if nothing else happened?" I asked.

"Now that I don't know, you had your clothes on when I fell asleep," she said as she grinned at me.

"Well shit," I said.

"Yeah that one is all on you babe," she told me as she patted my leg.

I put my hands up over my face again and sighed, being careful to not let the comforter fall down.

"Hey," Isabel said, "I really am sorry about last night, I kind of tend to get like that when I drink."

"So you end up next to naked girls in your bed frequently then?" I asked her as I lowered my hands.

"I mean..." she started as she shrugged slightly.

"Okay, forget that I asked that," I grinned.

"I do just kind of try to kiss everyone in sight though," Isabel said.

"Apparently," I mumbled under my breath.

"But that wasn't - never mind," Isabel said.

"What?" I asked her.

"Nothing, it just usually doesn't go that far I guess," she responded.

"Yeah...I shouldn't have let that happen," I said.

"No come on, this is on me and my drunk ass," Isabel said, "just tell Ava I'm a horny drunk that kept trying to kiss you."

I sat up a little straighter and shook my head at her comment.

"First of all, you're not wrong about that part, but we're not going to tell Ava anything," I said.

"We're not?" She asked.

"No, not at all," I said as I shook my head again, "like you said, just a really drunk kiss and it happens all the time, nothing more than that...right?"

I watched Isabel as I waited for her to answer, hoping she would confirm what I had just said for both of our sakes.

Her hands fidgeted in her lap momentarily before she nodded and looked back up at me.

"Yeah, that's all it was."


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