Chapter 18

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I sat in the chair across from Jen and waited to hear what exactly was going to happen next. I was still trying to contain my smile after hearing that Isabel had given me a recommendation to help get this job.

Jen hadn't come out and said that it was Isabel, but "catering manager" was a pretty dead giveaway that it was her.

"You know," Jen said, pulling my attention back to her, "if you want to, you can go ahead and get started today since you're already here."

"Sure, I can do that," I said.

"We'll at least show you around and go over the basic things," Jen told me.

"Perfect," I nodded.

She spent the rest of the day showing me around and walking me through what I'd spend most of my time doing. Thankfully I got to have my own office again, which was nice since that's what I was used to.

Although I wasn't sure how much time I'd actually be spending in it. It seemed like a lot of my day would be going around to different locations that we were going to be having events at, or looking for new ones that might be a possibility to use.

I wouldn't have to run things at the actual events either, which was another bonus. I'd still have to do my fair share of reports and paperwork, but it seemed like it would be worth it for this job.

Everyone that I met throughout the day seemed very friendly, and Jen didn't seem like a bitch. This was already a step up.

The day flew by with all of the things that were being thrown at me, but I was enjoying it. I walked out of the building as I chatted with a few of my new coworkers, finally feeling like things were looking up.

I got into my car and took my phone out to call Isabel right away.

"Hey! How did it go today?" She answered.

"It was pretty great actually," I said, "I ended up just starting today after I signed everything."

"Oh nice, and you think you're going to like it?" She asked.

"Yeah I really think I will," I said, "but you know what else I found out today?"

"What's that?" Isabel asked.

"I found out that some manager of a catering company highly recommended me to my boss," I said, "any idea who that could be?"

"You know," Isabel started, "that just isn't ringing any bells with me."

"Uhh huh," I said as I grinned to myself, "sure it isn't."

" idea who that would've been," Isabel said.

"Well if you find out, would you tell her thank you and that I really owe her one?" I asked her sarcastically.

"Oh yeah, I can definitely do that," she said, "what kind of favors are you going to owe this mystery person? Maybe I'll fess up."

"You're ridiculous," I laughed, "but seriously, thank you."

"Hey, you deserve it," Isabel said, "and just for the record, you totally would've gotten it without me, but I had to make sure they didn't fuck this up."

"Thank you for that vote of confidence," I said.

"But anyway..." Isabel started, "about you owing me..."

"Yeah we'll get to that part later," I said, "but I'm almost home now."

"Damn, I really wanted to know what you had in mind," she responded.

"Use your imagination," I said teasingly as I hung up the phone.

I smiled to myself as I walked up to the house, damn I was good.


Ava and I sat at the counter later that night and I told her about my new job as we ate dinner.

"Sounds like it's going to be a pretty good set up for you," she said.

"Yeah, I really hope so, seems like I'll enjoy it," I told her.

"How'd you hear about this job anyway?" Ava asked, "seems like it's a pretty perfect fit."

"Oh, one of my old coworkers saw it and told me about it actually," I quickly said.

Thank God I came up with that one on the spot.

Ava nodded as we continued to chat and finished our dinner. After she went to bed for the night, I sat out in the living room and contemplated how I was going to tell her about Isabel.

I had zero ideas on how to go about it without looking like the worst friend in the world.


A few days later, I was at a venue with Jen and she was going over the usual things that we did to get ready for an event. We were going over the set up of the main room when I saw Isabel walk up out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey Jen, Skylar," she nodded at me and smiled with a playful glint in her eye.

"Hi Isabel," Jen said, "you obviously know Skylar here."

Isabel nodded and smiled at me again.

"Isabel will go over all of the catering logistics for the venue with you, we have a few different places that we work with, but you'll see her around a lot," Jen said to me.

"Okay, sounds good," I responded.

"Isabel, would you actually finish showing her around? I have to run and do a few things before we're done for the day," Jen said.

"Sure, not a problem," Isabel nodded.

"Thank you," Jen responded, "Skylar once you're done with that we can call it a day, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, see you tomorrow Jen," I said.

We stood there as Jen walked off and I saw Isabel glance over at me.

"I'm finally starting to understand why you helped me get this job," I said to her.

"So I could see you looking all professional like this all of the time?" Isabel said as she looked me up and down, "absolutely."

"I mean, that's not exactly what I was going to say...but it is an added bonus for you," I said.

"It sure as hell is," Isabel grinned.

"Alright behave yourself over there," I said to her, "why don't you actually do your job and show me the rest of the place like Jen asked?"

"Damn, okay bossy Skylar, let's go," Isabel said, "that was kind of hot though."


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