Chapter 6

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"Yeah, yeah," I said to Ava, "I realize that a conversation probably needs to happen...I just don't want to do it."

"You know I'm always here to be your voice of reason," Ava said.

"And I appreciate you for that...most days," I grinned.

Ava and I hung out for a while at her house, and I eventually figured I should go back home to Greyson. I wasn't sure if this whole conversation was going to happen today, but I'd get to it eventually.

"Alright, I should probably go home, I have some stuff I have to get done," I said.

"Okay, text me later if you need any other great advice," Ava said with a smirk.

I smiled and made sure to flip her off before I walked out the door.

When I got home, Greyson was laying on the couch watching TV.

"Hey babe," he said, "you go somewhere after the coffee shop?"

"Oh yeah, I stopped over at Ava's for a while to hang out," I responded.

"How's she doing?" He asked as he continued to stare at the TV.

"Not bad, I wasn't over there for long though," I said.

I started wondering around the house and cleaning and gathering up laundry, my usual routine on the weekends. I got the laundry started and jumped in the shower, I still felt like I needed to wake up some more.

When I got out, I sat down on the bed and checked my phone and realized that Isabel had sent me a message.

"You doing anything tonight?" She asked.

"I don't think so, what's up?" I responded.

"Going club hopping tonight with some people if you want to join," she said.

I hesitated as I stared at my phone, and I could see that she was typing again.

"If it's too weird for you with Ava I understand! Had fun catching up this morning so wanted to ask," she continued.

"Fuck," I said quietly to myself.

I really should've just told Ava that I saw Isabel this morning. Hanging out with her now would be much easier if I had just gotten it over with.

"Sure, why not," I responded.

Whatever, it was with a group of people, not a big deal.


A couple of hours later, I was getting ready to go out with Isabel. She said it was club hopping, but I was curious to see how it would turn out. I never really pictured Isabel as the wild type, but maybe that side of her just didn't come out when she was with Ava. I guess we would find out.

"Hey I'm going to head out for a while with some friends," I said to Greyson as I walked out to the living room.

"Alright sounds good, have fun," he said as he looked up at me.

"Damn, you look hot," he continued as he took a few steps towards me.

"I know I do," I said jokingly.

He smiled as he leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips.

"Don't do anything too wild," he said.

"No guarantees," I responded as I waved to him and walked out the front door.

I had an Uber waiting for me so I didn't have to worry about trying to drive home later. I had no idea if it was going to be that kind of night, but better safe than sorry.

I walked into the first club to the blaring music and flashing lights and started looking for Isabel. I spotted her by the bar and made my way through the crowd of people to meet up with her.

"Hey," I almost shouted as I got closer to her.

"Skylar you made it!" She said loudly.

She turned and wrapped me in a hug, and I could definitely tell that she had been drinking already.

"Here, shots," Isabel continued as she handed me a shot glass.

I examined the small glass for a minute before I shrugged and threw the drink back. I felt the alcohol burn on the way down as I grimaced. Should've had a chaser for that one.

Isabel introduced me to the few other friends that were with her, and we all ordered drinks before going out to the dance floor.

We stayed at the first place for about an hour before leaving and walking over to the next spot. By this point everyone was a few drinks in and we were all feeling pretty great.

"I'm so glad you could come with us," Isabel said as she put her arm around my shoulder.

"Me too," I agreed.

I wrapped my arm around her waist as we walked across the street. It seemed like we were both using the other to stay steady on our feet.

We stepped into the next club and it was even more crowded than the first.

"LET'S GOOOO!" Isabel said as she raised her arm in the air.

Holy shit, so it was going to be that kind of night. She definitely did have a wild side.

"You're nuts," I leaned over and said into her ear.

"Shh, just have another shot," she said.

She clumsily put her finger up to my mouth to shush me as we walked up to the bar. I better take another shot if I was going to get on her level.

"Fine," I said, "don't get a nasty one this time."

I followed Isabel over to the bar and her friends were close behind us. I let her choose what we were getting, and thankfully it wasn't as disgusting this time.

"Cheers!" I said as I held my shot glass up to her.

We clinked glasses and downed the liquid in the tiny glass. No chaser needed this time...thankfully.

"Alright I'm getting our next round of drinks then," I said to Isabel.

"Fine, I'll allow it," she said.

I ordered us each another drink and we went out to the dance floor to join the rest of the group.

I wasn't a stranger to drinking, but I felt like this was the most I had drank in a long time. We were having fun, and I was feeling good, so why not?

I knew I'd regret those words in the morning.


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