Chapter 7

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"Skylar! Get over here," Isabel motioned to me.

I slid past her friends and she came and wrapped her arm around my shoulders again.

"Here, try this," she said as she put her drink up to my mouth.

I didn't know what she was giving me, but it was damn good. This was dangerous.

"Damn, I might need to take that from you," I said.

I grabbed the drink out of her hand and took another big gulp as she reached for the glass.

"That is not fair," she said as she stumbled and grabbed the glass out of my hand.

"Hey I bought it!" I grinned.

"Oh whatever, you offered," she said as she rolled her eyes and grinned at me, "I'll go get us more then."

"You didn't even finish - " before I could get the words out of my mouth she tossed back the rest of her drink and motioned for me to do the same.

"God damn you're a bad influence," I told her.

I quickly finished the rest of the drink and handed her the glass. She gave me a smirk as she took it from me and walked towards the bar.

Fuck, I was so drunk.

I danced with Isabel's friends as I waited for her to come back with our drinks.

A few minutes later I felt a hand on my waist and a chin on my shoulder. Isabel had a shit eating grin on her face as she handed the drink over from behind me.

"I kind of hate you right now," I turned around and said to her.

"You can't tell me you're not having fun right now!" She said as she danced towards me.

"Oh I am," I shouted over the music, "but I'm fucking trashed, I'll hate you even more in the morning."

"Well cheers to that," she said as she raised her glass, "that's a tomorrow problem then!"

I shook my head and grinned as I leaned my head back and took another drink. I stumbled backwards and Isabel quickly wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Shit, I thought you'd be able to handle your alcohol better than this," she said to me with a grin.

"Oh whatever, I'm fine," I responded.

"Is that why you just about fell?" She asked me as she raised an eyebrow in my direction.

"No comment," I said, continuing to sip on my drink.

"Mhmm," she grinned.

She kept her arm wrapped around my waist and began to dance with me. I finished my drink and found a place to set it down before I clumsily draped my arms around her neck.

It was more to keep myself standing up straight than anything else, but Isabel took it as an opportunity to pull me closer to her.

I laughed at her and we continued to move our bodies in sync. I was so drunk that I wasn't thinking anything of it, but apparently her friends did.

"You two getting a little handsy over there?" One of them teased.

"Mind your business!" Isabel said with a grin.

She put her hand on the side of my face and smushed her cheek up against mine. We were all laughing as their teasing continued, and I heard one of them begin to chant over the music.

"Kiss, kiss, kiss!"

"Mm nope," I said as I closed my eyes and shook my head.

The others joined in and Isabel looked at me and shrugged.

"Isabel...don't even think about it," I slurred.

A smile spread across her face and she looked like she took my comment as a challenge. Fuck.

She grabbed my chin and turned my face towards hers. My drunken reflexes were far too slow to stop her before she pressed her lips against mine.

I should've pulled back right away...but I didn't. Her friends cheered us on as the kiss intensified much more than it should have.

I put my hands on her shoulders and was finally able to pull away. Our faces remained close for a brief moment as we looked at each other.

"Damn! I didn't think you'd do it!" Her friend said.

I stepped back and almost stumbled again, suddenly feeling overwhelmed.

"I'm gonna uh, go to the...yeah, go to the bathroom," I muttered.

God damn it, I thought, why did I just let that happen?

I went to the bathroom and locked myself in the stall for a minute as I put my hands over my face. My head started to spin and it felt like I was about to throw up. Nope, was not going to let that happen in a public bathroom.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to regain my composure. I was way too fucking drunk for this.

Okay, I had to pull it together. It was essentially a drunken dare kiss, I hadn't done anything wrong. At least that's what I was going to tell myself.

I stumbled out of the bathroom and back on to the dance floor to find the group.

"Hey!" Isabel said as I got closer to everyone.

She put her hand on my shoulder and leaned in to talk in my ear, "are you good?"

I leaned back and nodded, "just really fucking drunk."

"I'm pretty sure that's everyone here," she responded with a grin.

"I know, I think I probably need to leave soon though," I said.

"Stay for one more drink?" She pleaded with me.

"Isabel you're literally gonna make me pass out," I laughed.

"It's fine, it's fine!" She said, "I'll get a small one."

"Fuck it, whatever," I said.

She clapped her hands in front of her and went back over to the bar. I was being such an idiot right now, but I felt like I needed another drink after that damn kiss.

I walked over to the side of the dance floor and leaned against a tall table. I rubbed my hands over my eyes and waited for Isabel to get back.

I looked up and saw her heading my way, and thankfully she had water with her too. She set both of the glasses in front of me and grinned.

"Last one, I promise," she said.


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