Chapter 12

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"Skylar, hold on," Greyson said as he walked after me, "I'm sorry, okay?"

I stopped walking down the hallway and turned around to face him.

"You don't think I know that I fucked up by walking out of my job? I don't need everyone telling me that, I'm stressed out about it too," I told him.

"I - I know," Greyson said, "I'm sorry, I'm sure we'll figure it out."

"Yeah, sure," I responded as I turned back around and walked into our bedroom.

Maybe this would've been a good time to tell Greyson, "hey I'm not sure I have feelings for you any more," but I didn't want to deal with one more thing right now. Especially not when we were both already irritated. I kept finding reasons to avoid it, I knew I'd have to face it eventually.

I shut the bedroom door behind me and flopped on to the bed. I looked up at the ceiling and contemplated how the hell I was going to get my shit together.


A couple of days later when Friday came around, Greyson and I were sort of on better terms, but it still wasn't great. I knew he felt bad for getting on me about quitting my job, and he had apologized multiple times.

Despite all of that, I could still feel an uncomfortable air between us. Of course this had to happen just a few days before we'd planned dinner with Isabel and Micah. Not like it wasn't going to be awkward enough already.

We got ready to go that night and met the two of them at a bar and grill that was close by.

"Hey guys," Greyson said as we saw Isabel and Micah walk in.

We all greeted each other and I did my best not to make things seem as awkward as I felt. Once we sat down, Micah and Greyson started talking and Isabel tried to make small talk with me.

"Skylar, you good over there?" She asked me under her breath as she leaned across the table, "you're barely speaking."

"I - yeah, sorry," I responded, "it's been a long week."

"What happened?" She asked me.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it," I said.

"Alright," she shrugged, "if you're sure."

"Positive," I grumbled.

I saw Isabel raise her eyebrows at me, but she dropped the subject and sat back in her chair.

As the dinner went on, I tried to chime in on the conversation when I could, but it was a struggle. I just wasn't in the mood.

After we finished eating, we sat around for a while and chatted and finished our drinks. I couldn't help but focus on Micah's arm that was wrapped around Isabel's shoulder.

When we saw them together last time, it was for such a brief time that I didn't see this touchy feely side. Or maybe this was a new thing for them. Either way, I wasn't a fan.

Fuck, why did I even care?

"Skylar...Skylar?" Greyson said as he put his hand on my leg.

"Hmm?" I looked up at him as I shook myself out of the trance I had apparently been in.

"You ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah, sorry," I said, "guess I was spacing out for a minute there."

We got up from the table and walked towards the door, but Isabel stopped before we went our separate ways.

"Hey Greyson, would you mind giving Micah a ride home? Skylar and I need to go have a few more drinks," she said.

"We do?" I raised my eyebrows as I glanced over at her.

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