Chapter 8

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I grimaced at the drink that Isabel had just set on the table in front of me.

"Fuck Isabel, how are you even still standing? You're tiny," I said.

"Guess I can hold my alcohol better than you can," she said with a shrug.

I would've said she looked pretty confident in that statement, except for the fact that she stumbled shortly after the words left her mouth.

"Oh can you now?" I asked.

"Totally...totally," she assured me.

"Uh huh," I smirked as I took a sip of my drink.

Damn that did not taste good right now. I alternated drinks between my water and my alcohol, and eventually choked them both down.

"Okay," I said, "I gotta go."

"I'm going to head out too," she said, "I'll call us an Uber and you can just come back with me."

"No I - I can go home, I think," I stuttered.

"You really want to go home to Greyson like this?" She asked me with a grin, "and I live way closer."

She did have a point, even though I hated to admit it.

"Fine," I said as I rolled my eyes at her, "only if you let me sleep immediately after we get there."

"Deal," she said, but I didn't trust the look that she had in her eyes.

We said goodbye to everyone and went out and got into the Uber. Isabel was right that she was way closer, thankfully the ride was only a few minutes long.

"Alright come on, I'm just on the 2nd floor," she said as we walked towards the apartment complex.

We both struggled to walk in a straight line, and I couldn't help but laugh at what we probably looked like right now.

"I don't think I can ever drink with you again," I mumbled, "I'm way too fucked up."

"You gotta keep up!" Isabel said as she pointed at me.

"I think trying to keep up is the problem," I said.

We got into the elevator and I leaned my head back against the wall. When it started to move I felt like I was going to get sick again. I closed my eyes and waited for the short ride to be over with.

Thankfully I survived without vomiting all over the place, but I think it was a close call. I followed Isabel over to her door and watched as she unlocked it.

"Ta-da," she said as she motioned me inside.

Okay well now I was starting to think she was just as smashed as I was after that comment.

"Wow, very impressive," I said.

I gave her a polite golf clap, and she took an exaggerated bow. Unfortunately for her, the alcohol took over for her balance and she collapsed on to the floor.

"Shit Isabel," I said as I started to laugh, "are you okay?"

I couldn't stop laughing at her as I grabbed on to her hands and tried to help her up.

"Maybe I'll just sleep right here," she mumbled.

"You have to get up and show me where the bed is before you can pass out on the floor," I told her.

I convinced her to try and stand up, and it was a miracle that she didn't take me down with her.

"We need water," she said as she pointed towards the fridge.

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