Chapter 14

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"Uhh, what?" Ava asked, "what do you mean do I want a roommate?"

"So Greyson and I finally had that talk..." I started.

"Ohh," Ava said as realization set in, "went that bad, huh?"

"I mean, it wasn't terrible but I ended things and told him I'd leave," I told her, "so here we are."

"Damn," Ava responded, "but yeah of course you can come over."

"Thanks, I'll see you in a few minutes," I said.

I drove over to Ava's still feeling guilty about everything with Greyson. I knew it was the right decision, but I still felt bad about hurting him. It was going to be weird not having him in my life.

I pulled into the driveway of Ava's house a few minutes later and grabbed my bag out of the back of my car. I walked inside and found her waiting in the kitchen for me.

"Hey," she said, "you doing okay?"

She came over and met me with a hug and I nodded against her shoulder.

"Yeah," I told her, "I feel bad about it, but relieved I got that conversation over with."

"Yeah I'm sure," she said as she dropped her arms from around my shoulders.

"Well not much has changed with your old room," Ava continued with a grin, "so it's all yours."

"Perfect, I'm exhausted," I responded, "thanks for letting me crash here."

"No problem, I'll see you in the morning," she said.

I went back to my old room, and Ava was right, not much had changed since it had been turned into a "guest room."

I changed my clothes and got ready for bed, and I felt like I fell asleep almost the second my head hit the pillow. I figured I'd be tossing and turning for a while after the night I'd had, but thankfully I was wrong.


After I survived the weekend with the few things that I had at Ava's house, my goal was to go and get the rest of my stuff while Greyson was at work. Or at least as much of it as I could.

Ava had mentioned that I could stay with her as long as I needed to, but I was honestly thinking about asking to move back in permanently. She didn't have another roommate or anything, so I didn't see why she'd have a problem with it.

Maybe once I got all of my stuff over here she'd just assume that I was staying. It was another one of my great ideas.

I was hoping that Ava would be able to help me get my things, but like most normal people who had jobs, she was at work on a Monday.

I got into my car and made my way over to Greyson's house, accepting the fact that I'd have to do this on my own and just get as much as I could. When I was almost there, I got a call from Isabel.

"Hey Isabel," I answered.

"Hey, what are you up to?" She asked.

"Uhh," I hesitated, "going over to get my stuff from Greyson's actually."

"Wait, you guys broke up?" She asked in a surprised voice.

"Yeah, shortly after you dropped me off the other night actually," I told her.

"Oh, damn..." she trailed off, "are you doing okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said, "just back at Ava and I's house right now, still trying to figure everything out."

"Well that's good...I think," she responded, "do you want help getting your stuff?"

"I do, but aren't you at work?" I asked her.

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