Chapter 24

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Isabel grinned back at me and shook her head.

"You're something else Skylar," she said, "but yeah I'd say that was worth staying awake for."

"I mean, I would hope so," I said as I rolled over to face her.

She turned on her side and snaked her arm around my waist as she moved in closer.

"It definitely was," she said quietly.

I wrapped my arm around the top of her back and leaned in to give her a gentle kiss.

"Okay goodnight for real now," I grinned.

"Goodnight," Isabel said as her eyes started to fall shut.

I watched Isabel for a minute as she fell asleep and I smiled to myself. I still felt like a terrible person for doing this, but shit it had been fun.


"Hey Skylar?"

I groggily sat up in bed and looked around, trying to figure out who was calling my name.

"Skylar, you here?"

Oh fuck, that was Ava.

I finally woke up enough to realize what was happening as I saw Isabel asleep in bed next to me. God damn it Ava. She was not supposed to be home yet.

Her voice was coming from the other side of the house, but I knew she'd be making her way towards my room. I tried to contain my panic and figure out what to do.

I needed to wake Isabel up without her making any type of noise that Ava might hear, and I needed to do it fast.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I knew I had it coming, but this wasn't supposed to be happening right now.

Isabel was facing me, and I leaned down close to her and spoke quietly.

"Hey, Isabel."

I put my hand lightly on her shoulder, trying not to startle her too much.

"Skylar! Where the hell are you?" Ava's voice was growing closer.

"Isabel," I said again, shaking her shoulder slightly.

Her eyes slowly came open as she squinted at me.

"What's go - " she started.

Before she could say anything else, my hand flew up to her mouth and cupped over it.

"Ava is here," I said so quietly that I was almost mouthing my words, "don't say anything."

Isabel's eyes grew wide and she nodded, understanding the panic that I was feeling. She pulled the comforter up so it was almost completely covering her face and laid still.

"Skylar, you're starting to freak me out," Ava said, sounding like she was almost right outside of my door now.

"Yeah! Sorry, I'm here, hold on," I said as I stood up from the bed.

Ava knocked on my door and I immediately jumped.

"Can I come in?" She asked.

Jesus Christ this couldn't get much worse.

"I - no - sorry, just a sec!" I said.

I saw Isabel's panicked eyes peeking out from the comforter as I frantically looked around the room for some type of clothing to put on. I found the oversized t-shirt that Isabel had been wearing the night before, and I quickly grabbed it off of the floor.

I pulled it over my head as I walked towards the door and took a deep breath. I cracked the door open so I could just barely fit through, and stepped out into the hallway, closing it behind me.

"Hey, sorry," I said breathlessly, "what are you doing home already?"

I made sure to stand directly in front of my door, not leaving anything to chance with Ava standing right in front of me.

"I forgot a couple of things so I had to stop back here before I went to my work event," Ava said as she eyed me suspiciously.

"Oh," I sighed, "okay, just surprised me."

"Yeah uh, you're acting weird...what's going on?" She asked as she nodded slightly towards my door.

"I um - " I hesitated, "I - I have someone here, in my room. In my bed more specifically."

I sounded like a fucking rambling idiot, but my startled brain was not working right now.

"Ohh really?" Ava said as she raised her eyebrows at me and grinned.

I nodded and smiled sheepishly, hoping that Ava wouldn't ask many other questions.

"Who is it?'s not Greyson, is it?" She asked.

I fucking wish it was Greyson right now.

"No! It's not Greyson," I responded, shaking my head.

"Well?" Ava said expectantly.

God damn her. This is what I get for always telling her about my sex life in detail.

"It's someone I just met last night actually," I said, trying to sound convincing.

"Wow, so I'm gone for one night and you're already bringing your random hook ups home, huh?" She teased.

"Oh shut the hell up, I'm single I can do what I want," I retorted with a grin.

"Guess that's true," she responded with a shrug, "but anyway I have to grab my stuff and get going, I'll be back in a couple of hours."

"Sounds good," I said, "I'll try to have my whore house cleaned up by the time you're back."

I smirked at her and wiggled my eyebrows jokingly. She shook her head as she laughed and walked back down the hallway.

I stood there for a minute, waiting to hear the door open so I could make sure that Ava was gone. I heard the front door shut behind her and heard her car start shortly after.

I let out a deep exhale as I turned and walked back in to my room.

Isabel's face was still halfway hidden under the comforter, but I could see the relief flood her eyes when she saw me.

I walked over to the bed and flopped down next to her with a sigh.

"Well fuck," I said.

She slowly pulled the covers back, and she moved her hand over to rest on my stomach.

"You good?" She asked, "because holy shit that was almost really bad."

"Yeah I'm fine, but you know it's going to happen at some point if we keep sneaking around like this," I said as I glanced over at her.

"Fuck, I know," Isabel said as she rubbed her eyes.

I propped myself on my side so I was facing her and I let out another sigh.

"We'll just have to be more careful I guess," Isabel said, "probably no more hanging out at your place, huh?"

"Fuck Isabel, I don't know," I said, "I don't know what the hell to do."


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