With Friends Like These

Start from the beginning

Robyn: You can hug it out once we've taken him down!

Onslaught: Yeah.

(Clover sends his fishing hook at Robyn, who deflects it with her shield, accidentally sending it toward Tyrian. Tyrian lifts his leg out of the way, allowing the hook to break a bar beneath his seat, which the Gravity Bolas securing his wrists is hooked onto with a metal ring. Onslaught, Qrow and Robyn swing their weapons at Clover, who blocks with his rod, and Tyrian slides the ring on his bolas off of the broken bar and hurries toward the pilots, excitedly snickering to himself. Clover continues blocking strikes and a crossbow bolt from Qrow and Robyn)

Onslaught: What the hell is happening.

(The airship suddenly, the ship shakes, causing the four of them to fall over. Hearing maniacal laughter, Qrow looks up to see Tyrian crouched on the ship's console, wearing the pilot's hat. The pilot is slumped over and is not moving. Qrow hurries to his feet, grabs onto Tyrian's upper arms and shakes him.

Qrow: What are you doing!?

Tyrian: The will of our goddess!!

Onslaught: You idiot your kill us all!

(Tyrian kicks off of Qrow, landing in the lap of an Atlas soldier, who appears unconscious or dead. He then grabs onto the co-pilot control stick and jerks it to the side, causing the ship to veer toward the ground. Clover opens the airship's side door and jumps out. Soon after, the ship crashes into the ground, and Robyn yelps as the impact knocks her over. Now in the tundra outside Mantle, Qrow see Onslaught and see that he alive as he then stumbles out of the wreckage of the Manta and sees Robyn lying among the debris. He hurries over to her and presses his fingers to her neck, checking for a pulse, then sighs in relief)

Clover: Robyn needs help.

(Qrow stands and turns to see Clover walking toward him.)

Clover: Surrender and we can take her to Atlas, get her patched up.

(Qrow draws his weapon, switching it into scythe form)

Qrow: Never pegged you for the manipulative type. But I've learned a lot of things tonight.

(Qrow and Clover begin walking in a circle around each other)

Clover: I enjoyed working with you, you know. Even with that endless cynicism of yours.

Qrow: I'm usually proven right.

Clover: We don't have to fight, friend.

Qrow: (scoffs) You don't know my friends. That's how it always goes.

(Qrow smiles bitterly, and Clover sighs. The two of them charge toward each other and swing their weapons)

(While their fight start to end onslaught shakes his head as he gets up and start to hear all the fighting outside when he does he see qrow, clover fighting)

Onslaught: What's going on? Where Tyrian?

Qrow: (heavy panting) Why couldn't you just do the right thing instead of the thing you were told?

(Clover puts his hand to his stomach and gets up on one knee, looking at Qrow)

Clover: Sometimes the right decision is the hardest to make. I trust James with my life!

(He gets to his feet)

Clover: I wanted to trust you.

(Suddenly, Qrow's sword is thrust forward, and Clover bends back, yelping in pain. Blood splatters onto the snow. Qrow and Onslaught stares in shock, while Tyrian chuckles and pulls the sword from Clover's body)

Onslaught: (whispers) Qrow your bad luck.

(I say as I hold my side and close my eyes as Clover stumbles forward, dripping blood onto the snow. His clover pin falls from his shirt. He drops to the ground, panting, and turns over onto his back, covering the snow beneath him in a puddle of his blood. Tyrian takes a few steps forward and rests Harbinger across his shoulders)

Tyrian: Doesn't look like your friend's going to make it.

(Qrow glares at Tyrian)


Tyrian: Oh, you mean... like you just killed Clover?

(He chuckles and throws the sword down onto the snow. Qrow looks down at his bloodied sword with wide eyes, then glares at Tyrian. Onslaught still in the ship looks up at the sound of an airship engine approaches, and Tyrian looks to the sky)

Onslaught: Crap.

Tyrian: Ah, here they come. Right on time.

(A Manta flies overhead from Mantle. Qrow screams and charges toward Tyrian, attempting to punch him, but Tyrian jumps away. Tyrian poses and gestures as he speaks)

Tyrian: Ah, looks like our score will have to wait. You know my track record with the authorities!

(Tyrian runs away, laughing, and Qrow runs after him for a few steps before stopping and looking at Clover. He looks at Tyrian, then runs to Clover and drops to his knees beside him. It begins snowing. Onslaught limping his way too then look at clover with sadden eyes)

Clover: Someone had to take the fall.

Onslaught: But it shouldn't have bin you clover.

Qrow: James will take the fall. I'll make sure of it.

(The tundra slowly begins to light up as they speak, and Clover looks off toward the sunrise on the horizon. Qrow turns to look, as well)

Clover: (chuckles) Good luck.

(Qrow turns to look down at Clover, who is smiling at him. The light in his eyes fades away, as does his smile. Qrow begins to cry and screams out in emotional pains as the ship land)

Onslaught: Qrow! We need to go now.

(I say as he just looks a clovers body and close his eye)

Onslaught: Dame it! Team listen if you can hear this.

(I say as I start to send out a message on our channel)

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