(Clover and Qrow jump down from the roof. Meanwhile Bruticus seen five more Megoliath head their way he then takes a knee and fires the rocket that are on his back as they go into the air they soon came back down and blow up their targets as he then turned the the civilians)

Bruticus: Get to the shelter your be safe their I'll stay and fight what ever Megoliath I see.

(As I go on to move there is a loud ping noise, followed by a cyan glow, and the civilians stop and look up at the wall, where a giant hologram screen depicting Robyn has appeared)

Robyn: Atlas, Mantle. I know you're scared. I'm here with General Ironwood, and we have a message for you.

Robyn: What he has to say may sound unbelievable... but it is all true.

Ironwood: An ancient and terrible evil lies outside of our Kingdom. It was responsible for the destruction of Beacon, the attack on Haven, and for the recent attacks on Mantle. This powerful force goes by the name of Salem.

Bruticus: he's going it the crazy son of bitch.

(I say as take out my blaster and shoot the in coming Megoliath as they go down I take out my blade and start to stab and kill them)

Ironwood: Salem seeks only to divide us.

Ironwood: To turn us against each other. If she can incite hatred in us, then we will lure in the Grimm and destroy ourselves.

(A group of Sabyrs charges in from the direction that the civilians are fleeing in. But they are then hit by an explosive shockwave as they go flying and turn to dust and Bruticus come in to give them a thumbs up as jaune does the same)

Robyn: Salem herself does not work alone. Her minions have invaded our very city.

Ironwood: Arthur Watts and Tyrian Callows.

Ironwood: These men are the ones responsible for the recent murders in Mantle and for sabotaging the heating grid. But we cannot let ourselves give in to fear and panic. That is what she wants!

(On the screen, Robyn and Ironwood are still holding hands, and the Aura coating their hands continues to glow green)

Ironwood: Instead, we must unite, and fight back, together. Every single one of us!

(Bruticus calls out to the civilians in front of him with a commanding tone, pointing his finger at them)

Bruticus: Alright, single file line! Place a hand on the shoulder in front of you, eyes forward, move, move, move!

(As he issue his commands, the citizens look back at team COMBAT and they all smile and then begin following his instructions. A pair of small children stand in front of Bruticus as they look up at in awe as he give them a thumbs up)

Bruticus: Show them how it's done, kids! I've got more people to save.

(The two kids then turn on their heels, the kid in the red coat placing their hand on the other child's shoulder. They then begin marching with serious expressions on their faces)

Vine: Where did you learn to do that?

Bruticus: Uh, morning school route?

Ironwood: This, my friends, is why I was forced to divert resources from Mantle - for the Amity Communication Tower. Amity Tower is now completed and ready to launch. It will re-establish all global communications. Because the safety of every citizen is imperative, the council and I have decided to evacuate everyone in Mantle to Atlas. I am withdrawing all defenses from Amity in order to assist with repelling the Grimm in Mantle.

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