Weiss: Then we're not staying here, right?

Swindle: The ship engine still needs time and even then we till need to fix the hole in our ship before we can even fly out of here.

Qrow: (walks over to the fireplace to warm up) yeah and the storm outside's only getting worse. We'd freeze to death before we made it anywhere.

Maria: Well, might as well get comfortable.

(walks over to a bookshelf while brawl see this)

Brawl: Grandma you're not going to read us a story are?

Maria: Why not you always love the story's I read you kiddo.

Ruby: Okay, then, let's do something. If this place wasn't abanodoned it might still have supplies we could use to fix the ship.

Oscar: Hey, yeah. Maybe even some scrap metal would that help.

Blastoff: Yeah some parts would help the ship. Till we can get to right part for it and the tools.

Qrow: I'll do another sweep of the grounds. No one else goes anywhere alone.

Onslaught: Then wait up I'll join you.

Vortex: Horror movie rules 101.

Blake: Yang and I can search the other buildings for some to patch the ship hole.

Swindle: I'll join you two.

Yang: (annoyed) Fine, whatever gets me out of this house.

Vortex: Just don't take too long foods almost done.

(Vortex says as he's making dinner as Yang and Blake leave, with Ruby moving the drawer to let them exit. Afterwards, Ruby looks over to see Weiss at the doorway to the living room with a melancholic look on her face)

Ruby: Food always makes me feel better. (chuckles nervously) Just saying.

Weiss: Right.

Vortex: Well we have food but no salt or flavoring. Why don't you two and blastoff look around for some.

Blastoff: Sounds good come on ladies there got to be something around here.

(Blastoff, Ruby and Weiss leave the room, leaving Oscar brawland Maria alone together)

Maria: Don't worry I'll find us a story to read before bed.

(Maria sits back down on the couch and begins reading while Oscar sighs. Outside, blastoff, Blake and Yang walk through the snowstorm toward a nearby shed. They enter it and find rows of shelves full of supplies on it and a tractor)

Blake: (looking at the tractor) Something tells me that's not street legal.

Swindle: And we could probably walk faster than that thing.

(The two of them continue walking through the shed)

Yang: What do you think happened here?

Blake: There's that well in the square. Maybe water contamination?

Swindle: They lost all their crops and starved?

Yang: Yeah, maybe.

(Yang stops and puts a hand on her forehead)

Blake: Hey, are you okay?

Yang: Yeah... I mean, no. But, I don't know. I'm just tired.

Blake: Yeah.

Swindle: Same here after what all happened today I could use a nap.

(Yang continues walking forward)

Yang: Hey, I found something.

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