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THE PHONE RINGING JOLTED GISELE OUT OF HER SLEEP, she groggily felt around the bed for the device.

She felt two arms wrapped around her that prevented her from getting up. Gisele rapidly blinked her eyes trying to focus her vision. Emmy and Jo laid on either side of her, both hugging her in their sleep.

She looked around and found her sister curled up in the love seat, fast asleep.

Eventually, she found it but the ringing had stopped. Moments later a message from Billy appeared across the screen informing that he'd be ready to leave whenever she was.

Gisele pushed her friends arms off her before crawling over Emmy to get off the bed. She slipped and elbowed Emmy's ribs, startling her awake.

She groaned out, "What the fuck?"

"You guys have to wake up. Billy texted and he's ready to go."

Emmy shoved Gigi off of her, causing her to fall to the floor with a thud, "Get off me," she muttered as she slowly sat up.

She quickly got up, there was no knowing the last time it was cleaned, "That was mean."

Emmy rolled her eyes, "You dug your elbow into my stomach, it wasn't mean." she rolled over and shook Jo awake, "Hey we gotta get up."

A muffled groan erupted from under the covers, "It's too early." Jo dug further into the blanket.

Gisele went to Amelia and poked her side until she woke up.

She glared up at her sister and swatted her hand away, "What?"

"You guys have to get up," Gisele said, "We leave in like an hour."

Amelia sighed as she stretched out her limbs before abruptly stopping, her hand flew to her neck, "Ow."

Gisele frowned, "What's wrong?"

"Torticollis, probably. I must of slept on it wrong."

"It's a stiff neck, just message it or move it." Emmy said.

"I'm not doing that," Amelia whined, "It hurts too much." She stood up, her hand still on her neck, "I'll check on the babies. Jo you go find food for us. Emmy, you're in charge of feeding Gigi."

Gisele rolled her eyes, "I'm right here."

Amelia ignored her sister, "I don't care if you force feed her-"

"I can feed myself."

Emmy grabbed the box of pizza and handed it to Gisele.

"I'm not-"

Emmy interrupted her, "You haven't eaten since we left Italy, you're eating the pizza."

She sighed, but knew they were right and she was starting to get hungry, "Fine."

Gigi ate her vegan pizza while watching her sister and Emilia wake the babies and feed them. Once finished, she joined in and helped feed one of the babies.

Jo came back with a brown bag, "I brought bagels." She announced, going around handing everyone a bagel. She watched the babies eat for a moment before she realized that not once was she woken up by any of them throughout the night, meaning they were never fed unless someone else tended to the babies before she could be woken up, "Did the babies wake any of you guys up during the night?"

A resounding no came from everyone. Which meant all three babies had slept through the entire night.

"So the babies didn't eat all night."

COMPLICATIONS | GREY'S ANATOMY Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora