get up, stand up

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Gisele, Jo, Stephanie, and Leah were walking down the hall, talking about April's wedding, Stephanie and Jo said they were going.

"I'm not going," Leah stated, "Bailey's doing surgery, finally. And I'd rather do that than watch Arizona stand up there looking gorgeous while I'm some pathetic, shriveled, leftover, discarded thing she scraped off her shoe."


"No, don't do that."


"No! I know you think this is just what I do," Leah protested when Owen bumped into her.

"Oh, hey, hey! You're all going to the wedding, right?"

Jo and Stephanie nodded, "Yes.

Gisele shook her head, "No, I have to work."

"All board members were giving the day off, Shepherd. You have to come." Owen said.

"I know but I'm also a resident, not all residents have the day off." Gisele stated as he walked away.

"Is it mandatory?" Leah asked after him.

"This is exactly exactly what you do." All three of them told Leah and continued walking.

She frantically shook her head, "I know what I do, and this is not that," she turned to Stephanie, "She was important," her voice broke as she looked at Gisele, "We were something." She said before storming off down the hall.

"Maybe they was something." Jo said.

There was a moment of silence before they shook their heads, "Nah." Jo said

"No." Stephanie added.

"Highly doubtful," Gisele stated.

They continued down the hall when someone yelled out Gisele's name, she looked over her shoulder and saw her brother in a room, sitting in a chair, looking at scans with Callie. She told Jo and Stephanie she'd catch up with them later before approaching her brother.

"What's up big brother?"

He turned in his chair with a disapproving look on his face, "You haven't been to the house since you've been back from seeing Amy."

Gisele let out a sigh, "Yeah, you're wife doesn't like me."

"She does like you."

"I doubt that, she doesn't know me." Gisele said as her pager went off, "I have to go, talk later."

After scrubbing out of surgery with Arizona, Gisele was headed to the ER when someone came up from behind hr and grabbed her arm, "Hey."

Gisele jumped back and saw it was Jo "Oh my god, Jo. You scared me."

"Sorry. Are you going to the wedding?"

Gisele shook her head, "No, I'd rather be here than at a wedding. Don't think I could sit through one."

"Wait you've never been to a wedding?" Jo asked not believing she'd never been to one.

Gisele thought about it and shook her head, "No...actually yes. I did I was in my brothers wedding but I was a baby."

Jo nodded, "Can you cover my patients? I asked Leah but I overheard her say she's already at 80 hours."

"I've got you, have fun."

"Thanks." Jo smiled before walking away.

Gisele walked over to the nurses station to grab a tablet when her brother walked over to her, "Why aren't you dressed?"

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