I choose you

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Gisele, once again was running late, she knew she was running late because Meredith wouldn't stop honking. She quickly answered the contractors questions before rushing down the attic stairs, as she was approaching the main stairs her sister called out her name causing her to stop.

Turning, she saw her sister in a grey robe, "Why are you in a robe?"

"Why are you in a robe?"

Looking down, remembering she too was in a robe, "I overslept and needed to talk to the contractor, besides it'd be weird if I slept fully naked in your bed."

"Same here," Amelia said and they both hurried sown the stairs, "Except the banging kept waking me up. Wait, you sleep naked in my bed?"

"Meredith's probably gonna give me crap about the noise, and no, I was not naked... I slept in underwear." Gisele grabbed her shoes before dashing to the car, Amelia right behind her.

"Shut up, we're here." Amelia said as Gisele got in the car first, "Whoo!" She cheered and closed the door.

"Are you two naked?" Meredith asked in disbelief, "Oh, my God."

"I have underwear on." Gisele stated as she yanked her jeans on.

"I won't be in five minutes." Amelia said.

"Don't you wear panties?" Maggie asked when she saw Amelia putting her jeans on without underwear.

"No way. She likes to breathe."

Meredith recoiled in disgust, "Tell me you're naked butt is not on the seat of my brand-new car."

"Are you done looking or are you-"

"Amelia, my children sit back there." Meredith informed.

Gisele slipped her robe off, about to put her shirt on when her phone went off. Seeing a message from her friend, opening it, seeing a picture of said friend in a bikini, lounging on the beach in Bali, "Lucky bitch." She whispered to herself.

"Put a bra on!" Meredith yelled at them.

Amelia looked down, not realizing she hadn't put in a bra, "Oh."

"Pass, don't really do the whole bra thing," Gisele said before putting her shirt on, "Emmy's in Bali."

Surprise was written across her sister's face, "What? Wait... are you two fighting?"

Gisele furrowed her brows, "No, why?"

"You haven't talked about her lately."

"Because she was in some remote part of Mexico helping set up a clinic, and now she's in Bali without me."

"If I didn't care so much about the planet for my babies, this carpool would not even be happening." Meredith said interrupting their conversation.

"I don't know why I'm even here, my car is electric." Gisele pointed out.

"By the way, the noise woke Ellis up, so thanks for that."

Gisele rolled her eyes, "I messaged you asking what time the kids woke up so the contractors wouldn't wake them up."

"This isn't what I meant when I said you could do whatever you wanted with the attic." Meredith clarified.

"You should've specified, you did say anything." Amelia said.

Gisele nodded, "And there weren't any walls to paint so..."

Gisele was tying her shoes when Arizona entered the residents lounge.

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